Chapter 16

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I went on a walk to go see Jimmy at his house. All I can think about is last night. Elijah went down on me. The next morning he's no where to be found. He just left.. for work. At least that's what the note said that he left. I was relieved, though. I have to admit I regret everything. I regret letting him touch and kiss me. He's probably over me already and is thinking about other girls. But I still appreciate what he said to me after I hugged him. Though I also regret that, even if it felt very comforting.

Anyway I have to focus on the important stuff right now. And I am absolutely not telling Jim anything about that. I just can't.

I see his house and feel excited to see him. I missed him so much. Still can't believe that all this happened after I ghosted him for an entire week. My guilt rises immediately. I walk to his front door. I don't ring the doorbell though, because I have a key to his house. I don't want to wake him up if he's asleep right now, he needs to rest. My mind tells me that his incident was my fault. I hate that I wasn't there for him when it happened.

After I enter his home I close the door, lay my bag next to the shoe shelf and take off my jacket. As I'm looking around his house I realised that I haven't been here for a long time. Not only did I miss Jim, I missed all the memories we had together with my mom. Suddenly I feel like I have to cry, maybe even vomit. Im feeling too much mixed emotions right now. Maybe this isn't the right time to be here. No Daisy you aren't letting this depressed feeling take over. Not again. Stay here. It doesn't even have to be that long, just make sure Jim is doing well again and then you can leave.

I calm myself down and then walk to Jim's room. I knock softly on his wooden door and open the door. ,,Jimmy?,,
Thinking he might be laying in his bed, I find an empty bed. Weird. Didn't Elijah say that he was here?

I grab my stuff and leave immediately. The Frist location I headed to was the Cafe and to my surprise Elijah wasn't there either. I asked all the employees about what they know about their sudden disappearances but no one knew shit. What the hell is going on? Did I misread his note that he left this morning? I'm sure I read it right though. Maybe something bad happened again?!

I am home on my couch now. I called them both and no one answered my calls. I am getting concerned now. Okay this is enough. I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing.

I grab my phone and call Rita. I saw her at the cafe so she may still be there now. She's the only one I can call.
,,Hey Rita. Still didn't hear anything of them?,,

She's silent for a solid second ,,W- wait what do you mean? Elijah just got here a few minutes ago and told me that he just got here after seeing you. I don't really comprehend.,,

Now I'm silent. Confused and silent.

Rita mumbles something but I'm not able to hear anything. ,,Hey uhm D, I.. I have to go now. Gotta work now, you know. Sorry sweetie..,,

,,Sure-,, She immediately hangs up.

I grab my keys and leave. I don't think. The only thing I want is to know why he would lie about seeing me and where he and Jim have been all day.

As soon as I'm at the cafe I walk toward Rita. She looks confused and shocked to see me. ,,Rita, where is Elijah?,, My finger is going crazy on the cashier counter.

She takes a quick glance at the back door and looks at me again. Wich tells me that he's in there. ,,Daisy, just wait until he comes out there-,,

It's too late, I already opened the door. ,,Elijah-,, I stop as soon as I see him arguing with Jim. He seems angry.. actually more upset. I can't hear what they're talking about.

Elijah turns to my direction and coughs uncomfortably. ,,Oh...,,

I put my hand on my hip and ready for him to explain.

Elijah and Jimmy exchange a look. Elijah turns his back to me, to whisper something to Jimmy. ,,We went on a little walk. I told Jim he can come to the cafe but only under the condition that he can't work one bit. I had to lie to Rita because I got nervous and about last night-,,

I hold my hands up to stop him before it was too late. ,,I.. yeah uhm thanks for looking out for me yesterday night.,, Suddenly I have the urge to start lying. ,,But I didn't want you to stay actually that's why I was relived when you finally left.,, That lie came out wrong... Damn it, I messed up.

He just stands there looking hurt. ,,What?,,

,,I'm sorry but-,, I try to explain.

He steps toward me ,,No it's fine,,, he leans to my ear, whispering, ,,I already fucked two other girls as soon as I left your apartment.,,

Now I'm hurt. I was lying, but he... He's like I thought he'd be, good I didn't sleep with this asshole. ,,I hate you.,, I leave with tears streaming down my face. I was right, from the very first moment I heard his name. I knew I'd hate him. I knew he's was a man-whore who would trick me into being the only woman he likes. Yeah Jim, he's a totally good man.

I cry, walk and cry even more. I walked without knowing where I'm heading to, but when I stopped, I was standing in front of a bar. Fuck it, I never drank anything but this will be the perfect moment.

Fuck you, Elijah.

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