Chapter 5

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I waited too long. Jimmy is still gone.

Enough. I stand up and suddenly the backdoor opens. Jim looks up and is stunned to see me standing right in front of him. Gosh, he looks tired.

,,Daisy?,, He says. I wave at him with a relieved soft smile.

He takes a step toward me ,,Hey, kid I was very busy, I'm sorry if I didn't answer any calls or texts today.,, He hugs me. ,,How are you?,,

My lips are formed to a thin line. ,,I'm fine, you know the usual.,, I sigh ,,I'm just struggling with my book and stuff. No worries, I'll finish it, there's just something missing, that's it.,,.

Jimmy smiles ,,I know you can do it. We both do.,, He holds my shoulder. That makes me smile.

Suddenly that new waiter walks up to us, ,,Hey Jim!,, What did he just call his boss? ,,Karl and Rima are sick so I'm staying a little longer today.,, He then looks at me ,,Oh, you know her too, Jim?,, Too? I don't know you. Well, I kind of do now.

Jimmy looks at me with raised eyebrows forming wrinkles on his forehead ,,Wait,, Jimmy says ,,You know her? Well, I know her, she is family. You two friends?,, Jimmy not only looks very happy you can clearly hear his excitement.

The guy clears his throat ,,Well quite, yeah,, Can he just shut up? Why is he even here? ,,We went to college together,, What? Bullshit- I have to stop this, before Jimmy gets a heart attack from happiness.

,,Uh I think you're mistaken me for someone else,, I finally say before Jim can get even more excited for me. ,,'Cause I don't think we went to college together.,, Jimmys smile fades. Yes, please fire him for lying to you Jim! Let that miracle happen! Show him who's the boss!

I can't believe my eyes when Jim and Elijah start laughing ,,Hah! You got me there, Elijah,, They suddenly do a hand shake and laugh like they've been friends for a life time. And I'm just standing between them having no clue of what's happening.

They know each other? They're still laughing. Jim, I need answers. And I need to stop this.

,,Hey, Jim can I talk to you for a sec?,, I try to ignore Elijah or whatever his name is. Why is he still standing there like I want to talk to Jim including him? He really likes disturb peoples privacy. ,,Alone.,, I say so that he figures it out himself.

He nods, smiles at Jimmy ,,See ya, Jim. And we have to talk about why you never told me about her.,, He winks at Jimmy. Then he nods at me, saying, ,,M'lady,, and walks off. I dare him to call me that again. And can he stop calling Jimmy ,,Jim,,?!

Jimmy nose at him and gives his attention back to me. ,,So kid, what's up?,, What's up?! Is he really pretending like those 30 seconds didn't happen? Well, I'm not. ,,Uhm, Jim, Who was that?,, Jim coughs ,,Oh that! That was Elijah. Just like you, I know him since he was born, he moved here a few weeks ago and he needed a job, you know.,,

Did he just compare me to him? Guess I'm not very special. ,,Mhm.,, I nod slowly. ,,Great. Anyway what was going on in the back a while ago. You were there for a quite long time? And you sounded frustrated.,,

He shakes his head ,,Oh no- it was just that one of our coffee machine's broke down and I got a call and just the common stress, y'know, don't you worry.,,

He looks very tired but clearly tries to hide it from me. Poor Jim.

Soon after that, a waiter calls out for Jim from the back.

He looks at me and smiles ,,See you Daisy. Stay safe, love you.,, I smile and as we hug I am imagining Jimmy saying this exact same sentence to Elijah.

Can I stop thinking of him?! Ugh I'm already ready to go home.

I walk to my table and see my still full coffee cup and my open laptop with an still unfinished ending. Great. I still need to sit here and give my best. 

I take a deep breath and exhale. I can do this. A memory comes to my mind after saying that.

,,I can do this.,, I whisper to myself as I put my left feet on the peddle. My right foot on the ground. And my hands are tight on the handles and I am focusing on the empty neighbourhood street. I feel my heartbeat on every inch of my body. I've only practiced riding my bike two or three times in my life and I've never been able to really ride it. I would either fall or wouldn't have any balance. But now, I know I can do it. My right foot is giving me some momentum to slowly ride my bike. My left foot is still on the peddle and my right foot is now on it too. I'm doing it?! I'm successfully riding my bike! ,, Mommy! Look! I'm riding my bike!,, I yell and focus on the balance and my feet. Suddenly my mom yells at me to look out! I look up and see a truck coming from in front of me. I scream and direct my handles to the left and right as fast my feet start to burn. I trip on grass with my bike and i hear my mom running toward me ,,Baby! Daisy, Im coming baby!,,. She grabs me and I just look up at her. ,,Are you okay, Daisy? Tell me, does anything hurt!?,, She strokes me forehead. I suddenly jump up. ,,I did it! I rode a bike! Mommy, I did it! YAY!,, I yell and laugh as I go in for a hug. Mommy looks very confused and has no emotion in her face. ,, Mommy is everything okay?,, She then laughs and hugs me back tightly ,,You did it and I knew you would. I'm so proud of you. I always have faith in you, Luna.,,

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