Chapter Twenty-Two.

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You saw a knife in Albert's side pocket. Still holding him with one arm, you used the other to snake around his waist. You fished the knife out of his pocket, raised it, and plunged it into his back. You pulled away from him and his eyes went wide.

"You bitch!"

Albert stumbled towards you. Running to Max's body, you pulled the ax out of his head. Albert laughed.

"Kill me. Come on, do it."

You were hesitant and Albert sensed it. You were innocent, a woman who was deemed as childish, sensitivity had a hold on you, and the small part of you that still had trust in this man briefly overpowered you, but it didn't take long for your mindset to shift as anger consumed you. Albert not only kidnapped you, but scolded you, beat you, and forced himself on you. The hurt that he caused your inner child was indescribable. He took your naivety and weaponized it for his own gain. Something had to be done. You raised the ax and in one swift motion struck Albert in the head. He staggered around before falling. Your heart pounded with excitement knowing that all of this was over. You were finally free.

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