~ Prologue ~

449 9 2

(Skip-able but you will be very confused later on)

Mary and Pete wandered throughout the cave, admiring every glimmer they could see.

Pete squatted carefully at a collection of small, rainbow colored crystal fragments, scooping them up and sorting them into a variety of labelled vials. 

Mary navigated deeper into the cave, spotting a large, black, translucent crystal, something like nothing she had ever seen in her 18 years of geology. 

M ○ "Pete! Come here quick!"

Pete rushed over, sliding to a stop beside his wife.

M ○ "Have you ever seen a crystal like this before dear? I can't find anything close to it in any of my books."

P ○ "I think I may recognize it from my newest book, help me to grab a sample and then we can read up on it."

Mary nodded and grasped a chisel from her back pocket.

Pete and Mary crouched beside the tallest crystal and they both worked together to mine off a large chunk.

They carried it together back to the rest of their supplies and dropped it carefully onto the ground. 

Pete searched through his satchel before retrieving a purple book, with silver engravings.

The married couple sat down together and flicked through the book for about ten minutes before finding the correct crystal on page 174. 

Ramurolite   -   Discovered 24-7-1983   -   Henry Boyd Carmine, 13-2-1903 - 24-7-1983

An extremely dangerous crystal that should never come into contact with human skin.

First hand contact with ramurolite will infect the one who has touched it with a fatal disease. Whomever catches this disease will suffer a slow and painful death within ten hours of contact with the crystal.

If a diseased touches another person, that person will also catch the disease although their death will take much longer, ranging from ten days to fifty years, depending on how much contact is made with the diseased. 

Second hand catchers of this disease can not infect the disease to others, and will not know they have said disease. Death by disease second hand will inflict pain much slower. This disease is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact with a first-hand diseased person.

Please take caution and do not let your skin touch ramurolite in any way.

M ○ "WHAT?! oh no no no no no no! This can't be happening Pete!"

P ○ "Mary please calm down! There is nothing we can do to prevent this now.."


P ○ "Mary, the best thing we can do for her now is take her to a new home, a nice one, without touching her. We need to go now, we don't have much time left to get her somewhere safe."

Mary hesitantly nodded, tears flowing from her face as she grabbed Pete's hand.

 Pete held onto it tightly as he sprinted from the cave, as fast as he could possibly manage.

Once the couple finally arrived back at their home for the final time, they slid gloves onto their hands and rushed to the bedroom of their infant daughter.

Mary walked into the room slowly, weeping harder then she had ever done before.

Pete strutted past Mary, carefully placing his only child, Nicole into a basket, keeping from touching her.

He turned back to Mary, who was still balling her eyes out and clutched onto her hand as he sprinted out the door once more.

𝕋𝕨𝕠 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

M ○ "Pete! We have to hurry.. it hurts."

Pete glanced back to his wife.

P ○ "I'm feeling the same pain my dear, we will have to leave her right here and hope that it's homeowner is a kind soul."

Pete frowned and let out a deep sigh.

Mary accepted Pete's words and crept up to the front door of a rather nice looking, two story home. 

Pete carefully placed the woven basket containing their precious daughter down onto the front step.

P ○ "I love you Nicole, even though you won't remember us, as of your young age, we will always be watching you from the skies, the heavens, my sweet Nicole."

Pete began to dash away, not bothering to wait for his wife.

Mary watched as he ran away, then crouched beside the basket. 

M ○ "Nicole.. It took so long to bring you into this world, I thought I would get to spend more time with you, raise you, care for you, as a mother should. My carelessness is now to be the death of me. I love you with all of my heart Nicole, and I pray to the lord above that you will still have an amazing childhood, even without me in it."

Mary sobbed and leaned closer to her daughter, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead, before running after her husband.

~ ○ 767 Words ○ ~

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