~ Keys ~ Ch.18 ~

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After locking the door, Nicole grabbed Dream's office chair, dragging it to the door and putting it under the door handle for extra security.

She then went back to Dream's desk and began to rummage through it's several drawers.

In one drawer she found two rings of keys, one with heaps of keys, and one with only five.

She took the smaller key set and shoved it into her pocket, closing the drawer she found them in.

Nicole didn't find anything useful in the next two drawers and moved over to a filing cabinet, located in the back corner of the room.

She opened the top drawer of the cabinet to see a bunch of files under categories A, B, C, D and E. 

She skimmed the topics of some of the files and realised this was where Dream stored all his information on other people.

One file in the C section was titled "Callahan" and another titled "Captain Puffy, aka Mom".

Nicole slammed that drawer shut and opened the next one, searching for her own file. 

In the second drawer, Nicole found sections, F, G, H, I and J.

She closed this drawer and opened the next, which contained K, L, M, N and O.

Nicole ran her finger along the N section searching for her own name.

There was only one Nicole in the drawer, but the last name wasn't her own. 

The file was labelled "Nicole Greenwood".

Nicole slid it out and open it, being met by her own picture, and information matching her own, such as her birth date and address.

However half of the information written seemed incorrect to her.

Under siblings, the file said "none" and under the parents category, the two names listed were "Mary Greenwood" and "Pete Greenwood."

Nicole shut the file, extremely confused, she then placed it on the floor next to her and moved to the next drawer down in the filing cabinet.

This drawer contained the letters P, Q, R, S, T.

She went along the names in the T section and grabbed out the file with the label "Tubbo, Toby Smith".

Nicole flipped it open and looked at the siblings section which to  her surprise, also stated "none."

Nicole shook her head in confusion and grabbed out Schlatt's file.

She looked to the children section where she read "1 Son - Tubbo (Toby Smith)".

Nicole began to tear up, she quickly grabbed the file labelled "Sapnap, Nick Armstrong" and shoved the files under her shirt. 

She then stood up and ran to the door, unlocking it and sprinting back to Tubbo's cell.

Nicole let herself in angrily, to which the guards closed the door behind her.

N ○ "TOBY."

Tubbo jumped and turned away from the wall which he had been drawing on.

Tubbo seemed visibly afraid of Nicole at this point.

T ○ "Y-yeah?"


T ○ "W-what?"


Tubbo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Tubbo quickly stood up and walked closer to Nicole.

T ○ "How did you f-find that?.."


Tubbo sighed and began to speak in a shaky tone.

T ○ "W-well, I don't know i-if this is exactly accurate, b-because it's just what Schlatt told me, but, he said about two years before I was b-born, two random people left a baby on his doorstep, and the baby was y-you."

N ○ "What.. So- So my real parents left me to be looked after by that alcoholic asshole! Tubbo why did you never tell me."

T ○ "Because.. you were the best sister ever and I didn't want to loose the relationship we had.."

N ○ "Tubbo.."

Nicole grabbed Tubbo, pulling him towards herself, into a tight hug.

N ○ "You will always be my brother, wether we're blood related or not, I love you and nothing is going to change that, besides, who else is gonna take care of you in situations like this? If I wasn't there earlier, your head woulda gotten cut clean off."

Nicole smiled a little bit, not loosening her grip on Tubbo.

T ○ "I know.. and thank you Nicole, for always taking care of me."

N ○ "If I didn't, what purpose would I have?"

Nicole said jokingly.

Tubbo grinned into Nicole's hug.

N ○ "Well.."

Nicole let go of Tubbo.

N ○ "I can't stay in here with you for too long, or else someone will be hurt or punished in some way, wether it be you or me."

Tubbo sadly nodded as he watched Nicole walk out of the cell and disappear down a hallway.

Nicole made her way towards the bedroom which she had to call her own.

Once she arrived at the door, she decided to test the keys she had stolen and to her suprise, the second key opened her door.

Nicole shrugged it off as she walked into the room and crouched in front of her bedside table.

She unlocked the bottom drawer, putting the files and keys into it.

She then shut the door and changed the four digit code, so that nobody could access it.

Once she stood up, Nicole noticed a piece of paper on her bed, she grabbed it and read over it.

Nicole, below is a list of, let's call them chores, that I would like you to complete today, please get them done, it should not be too difficult as the list is quite small, next time I shall include more.

Sincerely, Dream~

Clean the window of your bedroom

Tidy your bedroom

Have a nice day <3

Nicole sighed before grabbing a spray bottle and cloth that were placed beside the note.

She sprayed each panel of the window and wiped them down.

While cleaning, Nicole saw something out of her window. 

On the floor below her, the ground level, she spotted a door, leading out of the base into the overgrown garden area, which was contained by a locked metal gate.

Nicole grinned, remembering her keys, as she set her plan into her mind.

She quickly threw a few things into a drawer before jumping onto her very uncomfortable bed and falling asleep, full of excitement.

988 Words - Sorry if this chapter is a bit shorter than the rest and sorry if it seems like a filler, the next chapter is much better! Please remember to vote all the chapters if you like the story!

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