Sun Dragon Arc - Chapter 42: Off To A Good Start!

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In Estel's room, Seven's face was dyed in purple out of anxiousness.

"Estel... She's a heavenly beast, right?"

"Yes! Definitely!"

"But... Is that really necessary? She's still my pet, you know. You don't have to be that scared."

On the bed was the blonde elf and what is identified to be the Heavenly Beast, Two.

Estel was trying to feed her a medicinal herb that elves take as snacks in the forest. It looked like an ordinary green leaf in the shape of an oval but it tastes something similar to orange flavored candy when it enters the mouth which then provides numerous vitamins in the body when ingested.

But the way Estel did it made Seven just question if her pet was actually great, scary or hopefully not violent.

"H-Here... It's yummy, please eat it."

Estel stretched out her hand holding the snack close enough for Two to bite.


But everytime she tried, Estel would always pull back her hand making Two bite nothing but air. She was too scared to get bitten by accident since she's never dealt with this kind of creature before. For all they know, a Heavenly Beast puppy's bite must pack quite a punch.

If Estel loses a hand by accident she'll have to wait for a year to completely reattach it.




'This is hopeless.' Seven thought to herself while watching Two starting to get irritated and ignoring the food being offered by Estel. At this rate she might even get bitten anytime soon without a clue.

"Uh, Estel..? I'll just feed them to her myself so can we talk for a bit instead?"

"Ah... Sure..."

After switching positions with Estel who might've lost her hand anytime soon, Seven began to speak as she delicately fed Two with leaves herself.

"You want to come with me in traveling the continent, right?"

"You're traveling the continent?"

Seven nodded.

Estel was a little surprised. It didn't seem like she knew about this yet, at first she thought Seven had a clear destination in mind when she met her.

Seven on the other hand only wanted to get away from her pursuers in the Star Continent as far as possible and settle somewhere once she feels at ease.

"That sounds like something fun. I'll ask for my parents' permission later."

"That great!"

Seven looked gleeful. Not only would she get a healer companion, but someone who can appease her loneliness in her travel.

And most importantly, someone who can give her Affection Points anytime and anywhere!

But it all depends in Estel if she's allowed to travel with Seven in the first place since parents also exist.

They'll surely agree, yep. Everything always goes to Seven's expectations!

Or atleast that's what she initially thought.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse. You can't go, my beloved daughter."

Seven couldn't believe at what Estel's father replied to her daughter's request.

Half an hour after their little discussion, Estel asked her parents straight away.

"Not only are you the eldest daughter of the village chief, you're also the head medic of our small military force."

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