You really thought?

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September 29

It's been a few days with Ni-Ki's fun vacation. Right now, Riki, Jungwon, and Sunoo are drinking wine. They've been telling each other dumb sh!t and stories. It's what they'll do for the rest of there lives and never stop.

"HAHAHA! Then he-" a ding came from Ni-Ki's phone on the kitchen counter. He put his wine down and opened it. "Who is it?" Sunoo asked. Ni-Ki's heart skipped a beat, "uh..."

He showed the text message to the 2 curious boys. "Oh no...." Jungwon said quietly. "HURRY MAKE AN EXCUSE!"

Is this Nishimura Riki?


There is a user on instagram called kimsunshinesunoo and they have posted a post where the caption says _Nishiriki_niki. has taken the photo. I checked the user and it has you, I also checked the date when the post was posted.

That photo was taken months ago, he posted it now.

Are you sure?

Yes sir

Then why does your Snapchat say your location is at the same location that photo was taken?

Ni-Ki is sure screwed and he knows it. His nails were bitten and his heart was beating fast. He was on the edge of burying himself into a hole.

I have family here and they're currently taking care of me

Riki, be honest

Ok fine, I dont have COVID no more

You know I could fire you for this right?

Ni-Ki is for sure doomed

But I'll excuse you out of this

Wait really?

I've noticed your work schedule is busy and you have been working endlessly, I understand you would lie about having the virus. I'm not going to fire you, instead you'll have a punishment.


It was Ni-Ki's first day back at work, it was sort of embarrassing when he walked past by Jay. He got an email saying he'll have to visit his office once his hours are over.

Ni-Ki fidgeted his finger throughout the day and anxiety was rising like a car going up a bumpy highway. Him and Yunjin had a talk about it. Yunjin's advice was to make sure to not make it obvious that he's scared or he's about to cry.

Once his hours was over, he walked towards Jay's office. Well, his dad's office. As he walked in, the aurora was screaming trouble and the birds outside the big windows were mocking him.

Jay looked up from his computer, looking at Ni-Ki with a smirk. "Nishimura Riki, you're here because you lied about having a fever and taking yourself on a vacation," Jay stated. All Ni-Ki could do was nod at everything he was saying.

"Now, you have a punishment..."

The Boss's Son (JayKi) EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now