Would you like a cup of coffee?

476 33 7

Ni-Ki's POV

I'm over here panting from running all over the place in the building. When I sat down on Jay's seat, I sighed and felt the blood in my body flow and clam down as sweat cooled down.

Well isn't this $h!tty? I'm Jay's assistant for the whole week since Jake has some issues back at home. It doesn't sound that bad and sounded easy at first. Or that's what I thought.

Man and I thought he was a gentleman a few days ago, starting to change my mind.

This bastard is making me do everything for him! Like can you shut the hell up for once? Not to mention this is just the first day.

Ni-Ki can you do this for me?

Ni-Ki grab that for me.

Ni-Ki go get a cup of coffee for me.

Ni-Ki give me a copy of xxxx papers.

Ni-Ki get me my jacket and blazer.

Ni-Ki make sure all of my stuff is organized.





"Ni-Ki!" Jay shouted, waking me up from my thoughts of getting mad. I looked up from the desk to see him sipping his coffee and arms cross.

"May I sit in my seat, please?" He said. I just now realized I'm sitting in his desk. I rolled my eyes and got off the chair and continued standing.

"I would've let you sit and rest on the chair, but the attitude you just gave made me change my mind," he said elegantly as he took another sip of his coffee.

I would take that coffee and pour it all over his clothes like a maniac, but no duh I wouldn't.

"Sorry to bother Mr. Park, but, can't I sit at your previous assistant's office?" I asked. "I would, but it's not yours, and you're only here for a week." He answers my question in a snotty tone.

I sighed, looking back at him to see him shooting me look. "Are you not going back to your office?" He said.

"I don't know, do you still need any requests, Mr. Park?" I asked. "Please, Jongseong or Jay." He informed.

"Well, Jongseong, do you have any more requests?" I asked once again. he thought about it for a moment and finally opened his mouth.

"Not at the moment, but I will let you know when I need help with anything. But for now, I'll let you free, you may go." He raised his hand to the door to signal me I can leave.

I bowed to him as he bowed back. I don't know how I feel about Park Jongseong, We're just coworkers to each other. I don't really know how he acts since we don't talk as much or had a connection. We'll just see how our relationship goes I guess...

Jay's POV

"Ouch..." I whispered as I accidentally stapled my index fingers skin to the papers. That's going to bleed...

It wasn't much but still a little bit to have a bandaid to wrap it. Good thing I have bandaids.

When will this headache leave, my eyes feel so heavy every though its only 4:35 P.M. I keep yawning while my breath smells like coffee.

Life is so boring at some points. There are some times I loose motivation to run this business if I'm willing to take my dad's place.

There is no point in if I'm doing nothing and just sitting on my f_king @$$. I know it's ok to have some fall points. People say I'm working to hard on my goals.

I am completely informed of that, But I'm still willing to take the risk. I want to make this place mine one day, I want to make everyone smile, I want my loved ones to be happy, I don't want be alone and have no one, I want have the best team with me and make this company rise.

I'm not a teen who was lazy and snuck out to go to parties anymore, I have more responsibilities now as a 25 year old.

"Jongseong?" I heard a voice from outside the door. I got into a better posture and adjusted my clothes to whoever is at the door. "You may enter!" I shouted.

The door opened to reveal Ni-Ki who came in with the papers I requested. "They contain products #406, #555, #526, and #481 who were examined by Jang Wonyoung and Park Sunghoon. I nodded as I scanned through the papers.


Well isn't this embarrassing? My stomach just growled out of f_king nowhere. We just stood there in silence, I could be feel my face burning up from embarrassment. Ni-Ki is probably dying of laughter inside or he just doesn't care. Probably the first one.

Can't be mad if he starts blabbing about it, I blabbed about the coffee incident. It would be equal.

"You may leave now..." I mumbled trying to hide my embarrassment, we both bowed as we returned to our work. As he left I saw a slight smirk marked on his face, I can't help but also slightly smile at myself.

Teasing each other might lead us to friends and bring us closer. I hope doesn't tell the whole building about the incident though.

A few hours have passed and now its 7:56. I have to go home at 8:45. I then heard another knock from the door. "Come in!' I shouted.

It was Ni-Ki which was unexpected. He came in with sandwich that was wrapped in plastic and a cup of water. I looked at him strangely of why he would come in with these.

"These are for you," he said as he put them on the desk. I gave him a look of confusion. "For me? Why?" I thought about it for a minute...

"Because of my stomach, isn't it?" I slightly smiled. He nodded his head confidently. I scoffed while taking it.

"How about you sit down with me.."

The Boss's Son (JayKi) EnhypenWhere stories live. Discover now