┌ Bad Neighbours ┘

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Idk how to feel about this one tbh it's kinda bad and rushed. ALSO sorry the updates are so infrequent


Bucky had just moved into a new apartment, and it was already turning out to be worse than he had expected. To list a few things, his kitchen tap leaked, there was a hole in the bathroom ceiling, the floors creaked, and he did not get along with his neighbour.

He had just about unpacked the last box when there was a knock on his door. He put down the knife he was holding and made his way over to the door, grumbling to himself along the way. Alpine meowed at the knocking and came scampering over to see what it was.

Bucky opened the door and to his surprise, there was his neighbour, holding a dish with a lid over it. Bucky blinked, stunned into silence. His neighbour, Sam, cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Er, I made you this," he said, holding the dish towards Bucky. "As an apology."

Bucky could tell it was difficult for him to apologise, and instead of being gracious he decided to annoy him just to get a reaction.
"That's barely an apology, I want you to do it properly." said Bucky, crossing his arms and smirking.

Sam's expression turned irritated.
"I said I was sorry, you don't have to be a asshole about it." said Sam, still holding the dish. Bucky rolled his eyes.
"Did you?" he queried, and Sam grunted annoyedly.
"Did I what? Just take the damn food!" said Sam, his arms beginning to shake from the weight.
"I didn't hear the words 'I'm sorry' come out of your mouth, Wilson." said Bucky, raising an eyebrow.

Sam glared at him and shoved the dish into his hands. Bucky quickly moved his hands to get a grip on it, momentarily brushing's Sam's before he let go. He did not want to clear up glass off his floor. Sam glared at him.
"You're so annoying." said Sam, turning on his heel and leaving down the corridor. Bucky watched him enter his apartment and slam the door behind him. Oh well.. free food.

Two weeks later.

There was a knock on the door.

Sam looked up from his book and waited a moment to see if the person outside would go away. A few seconds later there was another knock. He sighed and moved to get up, even though he had been so comfortable under the blanket with his cup of tea. He got up and made his way over to the door, pulling on a cardigan as he did.
It was cold and rainy today, the downpour was loud on his window.

Sam opened the door and was surprised to see Bucky there, soaking wet and shivering. Sam opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but Bucky spoke first.
"My- um, I got caught in the rain and-and my- I lost my key." he said, obviously trying his best not to shiver. Sam immediately let him inside. Sure, Bucky frustrated him, but Sam wasn't a horrible person. He shut the door and ran off to find some towels and blankets. He came back a moment later and wrapped Bucky in a large fluffy towel.

Bucky's face was red, from the cold, Sam was guessing. Definitely nothing to do with the fact that they were very standing close to one another. Sam cleared his throat and stepped back, offering another, smaller towel to dry his hair with. Bucky took it silently, avoiding eye contact. He muttered a small 'thanks' and began drying his hair. Sam realised he was just standing and staring, so he went into the kitchen to make something hot to drink.

As he did so, Bucky quickly called out something to him, "I'm sorry," he said.

Sam almost didn't hear him.

He did a double take and turned back to Bucky. He stopped in his tracks and stared. After a moment, he walked back over to him.
Bucky's hair was still damp and was sticking to his face.

"What?" stammered Sam, blinking confusedly at him. Bucky looked at the floor, shuffling his feet.
"I'm sorry, I know I've been a shitty neighbour, and there's no real reason," said Bucky quietly, his cheeks flushing red.

Sam's heart skipped a beat.
"Oh.." he said, feeling nervous all of a sudden.
Bucky wouldn't meet his eyes, he kept his gaze glued to the ground. Sam exhaled, crossing his arms.
"I'm sorry too, man." sighed Sam, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
Bucky glanced up, his blue eyes meeting Sam's. Sam wondered if he could see through his hair.

They lapsed into silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable exactly.. but there was some kind of tension between them.

Sam cleared his throat and mumbled something about the kitchen, and quickly made his way back to said kitchen. His heart was beating fast as he made the hot chocolate.


There's no way it was anything to do with Bucky.
He could hear approaching footsteps, but couldn't make himself turn around.
He stirred in the hot chocolate powder into the milk.

"Hey, Sam," Bucky approached behind him, leaning on the counter next to him. Sam glanced up, meeting his eyes again.
He hummed in response, waiting for what Bucky had to say.
Bucky smiled lightly, running a hand through his hair. He leaned over and took Sam's hand, making Sam turn to him.
His heartbeat sped up as he looked into Bucky's eyes.

Sam waited for what Bucky had to say, but it never came. It seemed as though they both moved closer to each other, and Sam didn't even notice until he could feel Bucky's breath against his face.
Sam couldn't take the suspense and moved forward to kiss him. Bucky closed his eyes, his heart beating loudly.

How had this escalated so quickly? One minute they were talking, and the next minute they were kissing each other.
Sam trapped him against the counter, becoming breathless from the kiss.
Moments later, they broke apart, but Sam stayed close to him.

"I forgive you. If you'll take my apology for being just as shitty." said Sam.
"Sure." Bucky said with a smile.
Sam brushed Bucky's wet hair out of his face, admiring his eyes.
Bucky leant close again, meaning to kiss Sam once more, but Sam moved away and went back to making the hot chocolate.
"You should call about your key." Said Sam, stirring the mugs.

Bucky frowned, moving over to him.
"Don't be all non affectionate now, I was enjoying the attention." he said with a sigh.
Sam rolled his eyes.
"Don't you have a cat stuck in that apartment with no one to feed it?" he asked, and Bucky's eyes widened.

"Shit. You're right."

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