Chapter 17 ~ I Know

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Welcome back for Chapter 17!
I hope you all enjoy!

Kirishima P.O.V
I set down the last box onto my bed and wiped my forehead. I sighed and looked around the room. The teachers have had us moved into dorms after the summer camp incident so we were all getting settled in. I reached for my phone and checked the time.
"Yooo, Kirishima!" I turned to see Bakugou, Kaminari and Sero standing outside of my dorm room. "Hey guys! What are you up to?" I asked as I reached to my night stand. "We were thinking of going to visit Mei. Wanna come with?" I smiled and held up a small vase full of flowers, "I was planning too".

After talking to a nurse she showed us to Mei's room. She performed a quick check of her vitals and left us alone with her. "Hey Mei, the nurse says you're doing alright" I say as I set the vase down on the table beside the bed. It was silent for a moment before Sero spoke up. "I wonder if it's true... If they can really hear what you're saying when they're in a coma."
I sighed and looked to Mei. She looked so much better from that day, aside from the IV's, the feeding tube in her nose and the oxygen tube. I placed my hand on her head and sat down next to the bed. "I hope so."

It's been about two weeks since that day. Doctors put Mei into a medically induced coma so that she could heal. They've had her on constant watch since her heart had stopped. She's been getting better but doctors were hoping to have her off the vent by now and are wanting to wake her up. But she still can't breath on her own and waking her up could make things worse.

We sat around making small talk for about an hour then, one by one, everyone began to leave until it was just me.
"Oh, hello Kirishima" I turned to see All Might flashing a smile and a small wave. "All Might! And miss Yui how have you been?" I smiled at Mei's sister who was holding All Might's hand. She smiled and ran up to me, arms open for a hug. "I'm good Kiri! We came to see oni-san" She hopped in my lap and All Might took a seat next to me. I talked with Yui for a few minutes until she got distracted and started playing games on my phone.
"So how has it been? With everything going on?" All Might sighed and scratched his head. "Well, it's been busy for sure. I severely underestimated how hard it would be raising a child. She's a handful but one I'm glad to have taken in" he said followed by a chuckle. I nodded then looked to Mei. "I bet. Mei will be extremely thankful if she wakes up." All Might put his hand on my shoulder. "When, Kirishima. When she wakes up." I nodded and smiled.

Flashback (still in Kirishima's POV)
The doctor approached us as we sat in the hallway. "We got Mei back, she's stable for now and we'll be keeping a close eye on her. If she continues to be stable for the rest of the night we would like to put her into a medically induced coma so she can heal." We all sighed in relief and stood up. All Might cleared his throat, "and Fuyu?" The doctor sighed, looked to the ground and then back up to All Might. "I'm sorry. We did everything we could but we weren't able to revive her." We all sat in disbelief. "S-so what do you do now?" All Might stuttered. "We've been trying to get ahold of the girls Father, but we haven't been able too. We will keep trying but what we're looking at right now is foster home-" All Might cut him off, "Me! I-I'll take them in." The doctor looked in surprise and then nodded. "We can help set that up for you." All Might nodded and then pointed to Mei's door, asking if it was okay to go in. The doctor nodded and opened the door for us. Before he could leave All Might turned to him. "As for the girls father, stop calling. It's a waste of time."
End of Flashback

We talked for a while about the new dorms and the upcoming term. Soon, the nurse entered and gave me a small smile, "I'm sorry. Visiting hours are over now." I nodded and returned the smile. All Might and I collected our things and got ready to leave. "You better get well soon Mei", I said standing and grabbing my sweater. "I'm kinda going crazy without you here". I placed my hand on hers and gave it a small squeeze. "Have a good night Mei."

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