[ 8 ] Robots In The Sky

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OC by || Freddy/Hunter on Discord

While you spent some time in Silver's Future, Sonic and Tails rescued Elise and are heading to the beach to watch some robots in the sky :)


When you were magically spat out of the purple forcefield that could teleport... the world around you became familiar again. It was the southern Soleanna coastline, sunset.

The scent of the sea healed your burning nostrils from your last location, which to you was quite literally hell. The brightness of both worlds warmed your (f/c) fur, but nothing compared to the beauty of a peaceful sunset like this once, especially when fire danced at your feet and lava was a constant threat previously.

You had to recall everything that happened when you were last here- you met Shadow and Rouge, that edgy duo that took interest in the Holy-ruined Tilted Tower Church. And the new invader- that fat piece of garbage Dr.Eggman that took your best friend away from you...

Wait. Your friends! Or singular friend. Anthony- you hoped he was ok too. Oh, and you supposed that egotistically blue hedgehog Sonic you meet. Sadly, he was looking for you too, as a little device began to ring your attention.

"Pssst- (Y-).... (Y/n)... pssstt.... PI- K UP THE PH- E DAMN IT."

"Pick up the what?-" You turned around, looking for the source of the buzzing that sent a tingling sensation up your spine. You let out a surprised yell, something was attached to you! Where!? What was this magic?!


Finally, something small and (favorite color) fell out of or off- somewhere- It was indeed the source of the buzzling, and you were relieved that your body was no longer under some strange attack. Rather than the buzz, there was still a voice emanating from the device of some sorts.

"(Y/n) I WILL- psssst- YOU!"

You couldn't catch that last part, but that was probably a good thing... cause all you could hear was the rampaging sound of an aggressive Sonic's voice coming from somewhere.

You grabbed it from off the sand and brushed it off, holding it close to your ear in order to hear Sonic's voice. You didn't know what it was, but you were holding the speaker right into your ear, and also spoke into it rather than the microphone when responding. "What do you want, Blue boy?- You better have found Elise!"

"Calm your spiky ass down (Y/n), I have her. We're-... huh?.. He's?... Oh ok... See you in a second." And the hero hung up just like that, without saying anything else.

Your face grew a tone of red in anger, "This little bitch-" you mumbled, looking to the right as something caught your eye. Low and behold, Sonic came running along the coast with Elise in his arms, a small orange fellow following behind him.

Despite your anguish in seeing the demanding Hedgehog, you couldn't help but smile as you saw your friend again.

"Elise! You're ok. I- I can't believe I've failed you already..." You fell to your knees in front of her, apologizing in knightly fashion to your royalty.

"Oh (Y/n) stop, it's fine. Eggman is a new threat for all of us, except Sonic and Tails here apparently." Elise picked your much smaller body up as if you were a toddler, planting your feet back on the ground and giving your ruffled spines a pat. She then turned to said hedgehog and fox, nodding to you, "They came to stop him."

"I'm aware.." You grumbled in Sonic's general direction, who was blissfully unaware of your aggression.

The little fox boy perked up and bounded forwards to introduce himself while Sonic watched like parental supervision. "Hello! I'm Tails, sorry if Sonic is being a little mean. It's been a weird day for all of us."

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