[ 9 ] Sneaky Sneaky Into The Castle

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Rouge and Shadow are still stuck in Hell as Silver and Blaze have made it to your reality, deperated, but at least it's not magma monsters and burning buildings. :)


Sneaking back into the city was no easy task. Eggman hadn't quite taken over Soleanna, but it was very much being scouted by squads of robots.

You followed behind Tails and Sonic who was holding onto Elise.

After you all realized Eggman was most likely after the Flame of Eternal Life, Flame of the Game as it will be called from now on, you had to make sure it was safe back in the castle. It was something not even you, the royal guard, had ever seen. It was only for the eyes of the kings and queens.

Crouching behind the dumpsters of an alleyway, your group watched a duo of robots stomp by, kicking up dust and soot from the attack two nights earlier. So much had happened, yet it had only been those two days...

"How are we supposed to get into the main gate without getting spotted?" Tails looked the distant castle up and down, impressed at its surprisingly stable medieval architecture.

You pointed to the nearly dried up river channel leading into the castle moats, "We can use the mobian service tunnels, Elise should be small enough to crawl through."

"Tunnels ey? You use those to sneak around the castle?~" Sonic winked at your handsome face, making a rather obvious and probably sexual innuendo.

"Ask your mom." You pushed his face away as he chuckled but immediately fell silent at your remark, narrowing his eyes in an annoyed 'wtf bro-' face.

"We don't have time for your gay boy jokes, let's go while the coast is clear!" Tails grabbed your hand while Sonic followed behind, the three of you, plus your princess baggage, jumped down into the canal and wandered towards a small door that fit your perfectly short mobian size. Elise would indeed have to crawl on her knees in get through.

Ruffling into whatever pocket you had, you grabbed out a silver-coated key with teeth the shape of the castle as if viewed from the side as a silhouette. Moving ahead, you put the key in the slot, turned the lock with no problem, and tugged. The door remained shut despite your efforts to rip it off without making too much noise.

"What's the problem (Y/n)?" Elise whispered, kneeling beside you.

"It won't open, even with the key."

"Maybe someone else escaped and barricaded it from the inside?" Sonic tried to peep through the small key hole when you took it out to examine in confusion.

"Here's your problem." Tails drew his finger over the long hinges of the door, small orange particles leaving a stain on the fabric of his gloves. "The water level must have been high enough for long enough to totally rust the door closed."

"So kicking it in would make too much noise... Let's keep moving through the canal then, stay on the outer side so the robots can't see if below." You now grabbed Elise's hand and started to guide her through the wide water-way. Sonic follow suit and so did Tails, looking at the sandy and cobblestone terrarium that was the bottom of the river. A few pieces of wood stuck out from discarded debris or dumped trash that occasionally littered the ground.

It was disheartening to actually see filth in your city, even if it was just underwater for who knows how long.

Eventually, you wrapped around the backside of the castle where service workers arrived in for work. There was no one to be seen, but there was an obvious effort to escape Eggman's siege. Wooden panels were nailed into cottage doors and windows, stray arrows and blades lay on the ground when you got closer, useless against the machines.

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