Prompt Two - Coloring Roses

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    "Asahi, babe, look at this!" Yuu darted back and forth around the room, grabbing supplies for a project that the libero had dragged Asahi into. "We're going to make tie dye roses!"

    At first, Asahi was extremely skeptical about these so-called "tie dye roses", but Asahi was shown multiple pictures, and all of them looked legit.

    So Asahi gave in and helped his disaster boyfriend set up four different glasses with food coloring being squirted into the water. Yellow, blue, red, and purple. The rose was white, which seemed obvious to Asahi, but apparently you could also color the red ones. He decided that he would look that up later.

    But now he was stirring in the dye while Yuu cut up the stem of one of the roses that they bought. Four different sections, Yuu had mentioned, and it seemed like he was trying to keep his word.

    Asahi didn't like knives. Especially not when Yuu was the person holding one. Yuu had comforted the ace in a teasing way, though, reminding Asahi that Yuu had used a knife before, on many occasions, and had yet to accidentally hurt himself.

    Asahi took that with a grain of salt.

    And yet, here they were, with a fully intact Yuu, and a cut up rose stem. Asahi carefully placed the different parts into separate containers. They left the rose alone and went on a walk to a nearby park.

    Asahi pointed out all of the wildlife while Yuu stared at him with a sincere smile on his face. A few types of birds caught Asahi's attention, and the taller would point to where the animal was, letting Yuu see it for himself as well.

    The couple stopped at a small little coffee shop before they headed back, and Yuu pulled out his phone while they waited for their orders.

    "Hey, babe." Yuu called Asahi, and the older looked over Yuu's shoulder. "Suga wants us to go on a double date with him and Daichi tomorrow. You up for it?"

    Asahi let a soft grin overtake his features, and he nodded. "Yeah, sure. Why not? Sounds like fun."

    Yuu laughed and held out his hand. Asahi took it and they talked aimlessly as their coffees were made.

    Finally, one of the barista's read out the order.

    "One caramel macchiato and an iced white mocha latte for Azumane and Nishinoya!" She said, and Yuu gestured that those two belonged to him.

    Yuu beamed as he grabbed the coffee from the woman, bringing them over to Asahi. "Here ya go, Asa! You're iced white mocha latte!"

    Asahi kissed Yuu's cheek in thanks and took his coffee. They walked back home together and when they entered their bedroom, Yuu gasped dramatically. They'd only been gone for about two hours, but some of the color seeped into the petals of the rose, and a beautiful display of tie dye greeted them.

    Yuu beamed and turned around to plant a sweet kiss on Asahi's lips. He pulled back after a second with a satisfied smile. "We did it!"

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