Prompt Nine - No, Mina, He Isn't My Sugar Daddy

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    Denki didn't know what he was doing. But that was okay. He never knew what he was doing. Well, no, he knew was doing this time. He was going Christmas shopping in October.

    The blonde boy bounced across the streets, waiting impatiently when one of the lights turned red and he'd have to wait. He peeked into stores and ogled at some of the expensive looking earrings and necklaces placed behind glass walls.

    Eijirou walked steadily behind Denki, making sure that the hyperactive electric user wouldn't get run over by a bus or car. Eijirou had already had to pull him back around twice so he didn't get killed.

    "Kiri, look at this!" Denki screamed, his face pressed right against a glass window, amber eyes wide and excited. "Look at those matching sets! They're so cute..."

    The set Denki was speaking of was a earring, bracelet, and choker set, with matching butterflies of different colors for each piece of jewelry. Eijirou's eyebrows raised once he saw the price though. It was less than he was expecting, but still a good amount.

    "Do you want to get it? I personally don't have ear piercings, but I know that you love sharing jewelry with Mina." Eijirou stated casually, walking to the door a few feet to his left.

    Denki whipped his head around and gasped at the same time. "Wait, really?!"

    When Eijirou nodded while opening the shop's door, Denki let out a squeal rivaled by not even a 4 year old girl.

    Eijirou chuckled goodnaturedly under his breath as he approached the woman working at the register. She looked up from her phone and smiled politely at him. But to be fair, neither of them were particularly dressed for a fancy store, both in jeans and sweatshirts, accommodating for the cooling fall weather.

    "How may I help the two of you today?" She said with a slight American accent, her blue eyes bright and blinding.

    Eijirou glanced around the store and shrugged. "We're just going to browse real quick, if you don't mind."

    The woman's name tag read "Amy", which Denki found kind of weird but before he could mention it, a shiny ruby and gold ring caught his attention. He grinned immediately and tried to pick up the ring with as much care as an excited Kaminari could muster.

    "EI!" Denki called out, and Eijirou turned to his boyfriend. He proudly showed off the set he had re-found, making Eijirou choose between the purple or yellow butterflies.

    "Hmm..." Eijirou stared back and forth between the two pairs. "I'm going to have to go with yellow."

    Denki nodded and beamed. "Awesome! And could we please get this ring as well? I have an idea for someone's Christmas gift this year!"

    Eijirou gazed at the ring with awe, getting caught on every intricate detail carved into the band or the cut of the perfectly done ruby. "Oh yes. This one is beautiful."

    Eijirou straightened and headed for the register once more, three objects in his hand. A pair of yellow butterfly chokers, pink flower matching earrings, and the ruby ring. Eijirou didn't bother looking at the prices, not letting Denki see them either, knowing it might make the usually hyper man get some anxiety about how much his boyfriend was spending on him. (Which Eijirou personally didn't really care about, but apparently it was bad luck for the Kaminari's if you rely on someone too heavily.)

    Amy's eyes widened when she saw the items placed in front of her, but she smiled fakely instead. "Is this all for today?"

    Eijirou nodded and fished out his wallet from his pocket. He flipped to his black card and waited for Amy to scan everything before quickly tapping the card on the screen, the payment going through immediately.

    He put his wallet back and grabbed the bag Amy put all of the jewelry into. As he left the shop, Eijirou slid his hand into Denki's, intertwining and lacing their fingers together.

    And Denki would smirk to himself for the next 3 months, knowing that he would be getting Eijirou a gift he knew his boyfriend would like.

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