Prompt Fourteen - Why, Hades?

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    Have you ever felt that horrible familiar pain? The one that squeezes through your mind and head, demanding entrance and control over every single thought that passes by?

    I'll bet you haven't. Because if you have, then you might be one of them. And whether or not you want to be a part of them, they will tear you apart if you don't commit. 

    Good luck.

    My breath is uneven. Blood is smeared all over my body, but I don't know whose it is. Mine? His? Both?

    It doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that he is dead. I killed him. Finally, he's gone. 

    But the voices are back. 

    Relentless, loud, deafening voices that just won't leave me alone. They haven't stopped since I killed him. Since I became a murderer. 

    I wonder somewhere in the back of my mind if this is how all serial killers feel like. If they need to stop the pain by killing, if they do it because it causes pain and they like it, or if they kill just because they can. 

    But my main worry isn't if I would become a serial killer. I'm more occupied with making sure that she isn't scared. That she doesn't run away. 

    "Oh, my sweet, sweet child. I could never let him hurt you. You must know that. That is why I killed him. That's why he's leaving. We're free, my daughter! We're free, Hazel! He was never a Levesque. And I was never a goddess. You were never a goddess. But now we don't have to have him threatening us! We're free!" I sob, falling to the floor with my arms held out.

    Hazel, my poor, darling angel, tentatively steps over his body and then comes running into my arms. I sag with relief. She understands. My smart, wonderful daughter understands!

    But then a new pain joined the voices. A sharp, swift pain that I felt all throughout my rib cage. 

    And then it was gone. 

        And the world became black. 

            And he appeared. 

                And my last thought circled inside of my mind for the rest of eternity. 

                    Why, Hades?

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