Prompt Seventeen - Hunter Or Prey?

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    Would you rather be the hunter or the prey?

    Now, at first glance this seems like an easy choice. Hunter, obviously. You're not stupid.

    Then you think about it. 

    What does the hunter truly do other than search for and then kill others? Yes, it is for survival, but would you really be able to live with actively killing and murdering other living beings because you have to?

    Or maybe you would take joy in it. If you have to do it, might as well have fun with it. "Never play with your food," they all say, but why not? Why not show that you're the one with the power? Why not show that they are just there for your entertainment, just there to bring you satisfaction and something to laugh at. 

    Are you a hunter?

    You don't move like one. You don't have the swaggering confidence and short temper. You don't have the eyes that could kill someone with a single glare.

    You act more like prey. 

    More like a small little animal, scared that they're going to be found as they hide in the corner of a bush. Maybe a tree. But hiding, nonetheless. 

    You're used to hiding, aren't you? Not because you're prey, but because that's how you became a hunter. Hiding, and waiting. Especially waiting.     

    You always have to wait. 

    But no more. 

    There's no point in waiting anymore. 

    Just take what you wish and leave.

    No planning to it.

    That must really mess you up, huh? Goody toe-shoes not being allowed to have a plan of action. Waiting might be your specialty, but a spontaneous course of movement obviously is not. 

    Well, you get a choice soon. Better pick correctly. 

    But remember, some prey are just hunters in disguise, waiting for their chance to strike and come in for the kill. 

    Don't forget that when you pick. 



    You look around. No one is here. It's just you. That's weird. You're sure that you saw many people before you chose to be a hunter. Where is everyone? Why were you put in such a high room number? Wouldn't the hunters be put together in one group like the prey?

    It didn't fully dawn on you that it would be a trap until the bullet had passed straight through your skull.



    "Hello, Prey. This is going to be your training room. You have five minutes to pick a weapon that you wish to permanently train with, and choose a partner to spar with at a later date. My name is Dr. Maria, and I hope you enjoy being alive."

    You glance around at the people surrounding you. They all appear normal, like you. Average 18 year olds, confused that they have to select a weapon for training. 

    But you were prepared. You quickly run to one of the large cases which hold an assortment of different kinds of weapons. You throw the furthermost left case open and grab for 2 symmetrical daggers, both the same weight, shape, and material. 


    This was going to be fun. 

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