Prompt Seven - You've Already Been Killed

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    "You're safe now, Percy."

    Percy didn't believe her. He could never believe her. She had lied, manipulated, and almost killed him! He was not falling for that act again.

    "Oh, am I?" He responded cooly, words sharper than his sword. "Then can you tell me, Annabeth, why I still see bruises? Why do I still see the marks and burns and all the other crap you and Gabe slapped onto me?!"

    Annabeth shook her head and stepped towards him, a fake smile plastered onto her face, looking so unnatural it hurt him. "Percy, come on, you don't mean that! I'm nothing like Gabe. Right Grover?"

    Grover, who had been staring at the entire thing from the background, startled and flinched, backing away from the two of them.

    "Uhh, Annabeth? I think this is going too far..." He started to say, but was silenced with a powerful glare Annabeth threw his way. "No, wait! What I meant to say was that yes! Annabeth is always correct and this is no different!"

    Percy's broken figure crumpled even more as his best friend betrayed him. His breath sped up, desperate attempts at air failing.

    Drowning. I'm drowning.

    Percy knew that logically, as a son of Poseidon, he couldn't drown. But it felt like he was, water surrounding and suffocating him as he thrashed and swam for the surface but never made it, instead falling down into the deepest parts of the ocean to rot for all of eternity.

    "Percy?" The sweet voice of Sally entered the apartment, and Percy snapped out of his hallucination. The black haired boy glanced at the two intruders before stepping away slowly, moving towards the door. "Are you okay?"

    "Hey mom, yeah. Don't come in. Monsters." He said quickly, keeping his gaze locked on Annabeth as he uttered the last word. Her reaction was priceless.

    Her grey eyes widened and she gritted her teeth, clenching her fists. Percy grinned maniacally.

    "Oh, okay. Be safe!" Sally was too good for the world, knowing that her son would be fine on his own no matter what came his way.

    "No problem." Percy muttered back, lowering himself into a fighting stance, taking Riptide out of his pocket and uncapping it. "It shouldn't be a problem."

    Grover gasped and grabbed the front of his shirt in shock while Annabeth just growled.

    "You idiot! What have you just done?!" She yelled at him, a stupid move.

    Percy rolled his neck and laughed. "Oh, Annabeth. Aren't you a daughter of Athena? Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

    That hit a nerve that Percy was aiming for, and the blonde let out a roar of rage and lunged for the taller male.

    Percy dodged to the right and slashed at an open spot in Annabeth's form, grazing her ribs. She yelped and stumbled to the side, barely catching herself.

    "Ugh!" She stabbed forward with her dagger, which Percy intercepted with Riptide, throwing the blade across the room and out of her hands.

    "Give. It. Up." Percy punctuated every word with a flick of his wrist, cutting Annabeth's left bicep, then her right calf, and finally an ending wound to her forehead, sending her flying back into a wall.

    Grover had somehow fled the scene, and that was perfectly fine with Percy. He didn't particularly want to fight the satyr, for he was only after revenge on Annabeth. Which he was getting.

    Annabeth looked up at him with fake confidence, a shine of fear overtaking her eyes anyways. "You'll never get what you want! I will never die at the hands of a monster!"

    Percy cackled and threw his head back. He wiped an imaginary tear from his cheeks and then smirked smugly. "Oh, you dumb little shit. You've already been killed!"

    And with that the daughter of Athena's blood spattered against the walls of Sally Jackson's apartment, coating the room of lies from yesterday and empty promises of tomorrow. 

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