Prompt Eleven - Skipping Class

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    Albus Potter was not someone who wanted to wake up at 6:00am every morning. 

    Scorpius Malfoy, on the other hand, loved slowly blinking his eyes open to see beautiful light filtering in through their windows and curtains. 

    So if you ever saw the blonde shaking the green eyed boy in a way that should be considered either offensive or violent, just remember that it's for the good cause of Albus not missing his classes.

    Speaking of missing classes, where were the two of them?

    Albus snickered softly and led Scorpius up to the astronomy tower, knowing that no classes would be taken at this early of the day. Scorpius shook his head and rolled his eyes, not having a clue what his boyfriend was doing but going along with it anyways.

    Albus quickly opened the door to the top room and motioned for Scorpius to hurry inside. Scorpius did so as quietly as he could, and Albus followed him, shutting the door behind them.

    "What are we doing up here again?" Scorpius drawled with a raised eyebrow, crossing his arms accusingly.

    Albus rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. "Well, you're getting a little too stressed, don't you think Scorp?" Scorpius continued to glare at him expectantly, so Albus fumbled for an answer. "I- I just thought that you might need a few minutes (or hours) off of school and stuff..."

    Scorpius sighed affectionately and held out his arms with a genuine smile. He would never fully understand Albus, but they were both trying. 

    Albus's eyes lit up and he immediately nuzzled into Scorpius's embrace. The paler boy squeaked in surprise when Albus picked him up and let his legs wrap around the only slightly shorter of the two. 

    Pretty much fully holding himself up out of habit, Scorpius pouted and snaked his arms around Albus's neck, grabbing a hold of the brunette's hair. He tugged and ended up yanking Albus's head backwards, sending both of them sprawling to the floor into a mess of giggles.

    "Scor!"Albus complained with a light laugh that seemed to brighten up the room. "What was that for?!"

    Scorpius just shook his head and tried his very best to stop rolling on the floor covering his stomach while he cackled hysterically, the accidental rhyming only making it worse. "Sorry sorry! Are you okay?"

    Albus nodded, obviously not sure if he could talk without bursting back into laughter. Scorpius felt the same, so they both just took a few seconds to catch their breath together. Albus stared at the ceiling with a small smile, happy that Scorpius seemed to have forgotten about being mad earlier. 

    "I haven't forgotten that you made me skip class for this, you know." Scorpius reminded Albus with a shit-eating smirk. 

    Welp never mind then. Say goodbye to Albus Severus Potter.

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