Prompt Five - Gentle Hands

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    "Ahh, that feels nice." Izuku proclaimed, sighing as he slid into the warm water that filled his bathtub. "Thank you for doing this, darling."

    Shouto smiled and ran his fingers through Izuku's green curly hair. "It's not a problem, love. I wanted to do something nice for you."

    Izuku opened one of his eyes, (which he hadn't even realized he had closed) and gazed at his husband. "Yeah, but still. Thanks Shouto."

    The heterochromatic eyed man shook his head lovingly. "You're too kind for this world, angel."

    Izuku let his head fall under the water, coming up after a second, his hair fully soaked. "How so?"

    Shouto reached for the shampoo and pumped some into his palm, rubbing it together in his hands. "Well, you always assume the best of people, you forgive others really quickly, and oh, let me think," Shouto paused his talking, but continued kneading his fingers into Izuku's scalp. "You married me."

    That got the freckled man's attention. "What do you mean? I married you because I love you, not because I was being nice."

    He was going to keep reminding his spouse why he proposed, but Shouto silenced him by a quick and chaste kiss to his lips.

    "I know, but still." Shouto said, grabbing a spare cup they kept by the tub and filling it with the hot water. He tipped Izuku's head back and poured out the contents of the glass into the green hair, rinsing out the shampoo. "You're such a gentle soul, even when you're kicking villain ass."

    The Number One hero snorted and started laughing. "Only you would say that, Shouto. Only you."

    Shouto shrugged, even though Izuku couldn't see him. "What? I don't like lying."

    Izuku scoffed lightheartedly but leaned into Shouto's touch as the ginger head massage returned, this time with conditioner. "Whatever you say, sweetheart."

    Shouto rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, taking his time with playing and working on Izuku's hair. Eventually, he motioned for Izuku to go underwater, and the shorter of the two complied, holding his breath and moving into the water.

    For the few seconds Izuku stayed under, Shouto made sure to get all of the conditioner out quickly, tugging on the curls when he was ready for the green eyed man to come up. Izuku did so and gulped in a breath when he reached the surface.

    "I think that was a record." He joked, rubbing the excess water from his eyes.

    Shouto laughed and pulled Izuku's soaked form against his own mostly dry body, letting Izuku's head rest on his lap. "It might be. Who knows?"

    Izuku let out a moan-like sigh as Shouto traced over his nose and lips with extra care, tugging on the long strands of hair. His green eyes closed and he let himself be pampered for the time being.

    The couple lost track of time, and they only noticed once Izuku started to shiver from how cold the water had gotten. "Maybe it's time to get out now." Shouto chuckled, and Izuku joined him, slowly standing up to his full height, which brought his waist to Shouto's head. The height difference of a sitting Shouto and a standing Izuku always made the Number One hero excited and smug, since he finally felt tall for once.

    But it never lasted long, because Shouto would push himself onto his feet as well and easily tower over Izuku's height of 5'6. The candy cane colored male had a bit of a growth spurt during their third year at UA, and he now stood at a solid 6'1.

    Shouto handed Izuku a fluffy red towel that was two sizes too big for the short man. Izuku wrapped it around himself anyways.

    Shouto guided the shivering hero to sit in a chair in front of their bathroom mirror, which had two separate sinks in front of it.

    The pale fire user plugged in a hair dryer and waited calmly for it to heat up by taking a second towel and tenderly wringing the leftover water and moisture from the unnaturally colored locks.

    The hair dryer got heated up pretty quickly, and soon warm air was being blasted into Izuku's head, the euphoric feeling making him groan.

    Shouto giggled and shook his husbands hair out as he let the blow dryer do its job. After a few minutes of this back and forth, Shouto turned the device off and unplugged it, leaving it on the counter.

    "Come on, love, let's get dressed." Shouto suggested, steering them to the large dresser that they had placed in their bedroom, filled with different sorts of clothes in every drawer.

    Shouto picked one with silk and satin sleepwear, wanting his husband to be as comfortable as possible tonight. "Green or blue, angel?"

    "Blue." Izuku murmured into Shouto's chest, leaning his entire weight onto the Todoroki. Shouto nodded with a smile and grabbed the matching blue set that they bought together.

    He handed the smaller of the two pairs to Izuku and softly shoved him towards the king sized bed. He quickly changed and then went to assist Izuku with changing, because the hero was obviously close to falling asleep, to the point of not being able to put on clothes correctly.

    Shouto huffed out a laugh and helped Izuku step into his new clothes, sliding on his shirt over his head.

    Shouto climbed into bed and tugged Izuku in with him, opening up a space in his arms for the tiny man to nuzzle into. Shouto embraced Izuku into a tight and loving hug, placing a sweet kiss on top of his head.

    "Goodnight Izuku. Sleep well."

A/N: Oh my gods, three prompts in two days?! What in the Hades is going on?!

I fell down stairs. Yeah, that's it.

And now I have nothing to do but write because my parents aren't even letting me walk for the rest of this weekend. And it was only 15 steps! It's not like I broke my neck like my grandmother did! But it's all good cause I've got writing and fanfiction to keep me company!

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