Prompt Four - Screaming Shadows

13 1 5

    "I HATE THIS!" Nico shouted, his voice cracking. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! PLEASE JUST FUCKING KILL ME!"

    "Nico-" Percy started worriedly, his eyes wide as he reached out for the son of Hades.

    Nico stepped away with anger in his dark brown eyes. "WHAT?! What is it?! Are you going to tell me to calm down? To stop being so GODS DAMNED EMOTIONAL?!" The shadows surrounding the two bent towards Nico at the last sentence, and Nico didn't seem to notice.

    Percy shook his head and backed away slowly, his hands up in a non- threatening position. "Nico, please, come on. You know I wouldn't say that!"

    Suddenly, hundreds of bones blasted into the air, all varying from different animals. The limbs came together to form a gigantic human skeleton, who stood behind Nico like some sort of ancient guard.

    "Oh, sure, like how you wouldn't let my sister die?" Nico spat, fury coating his words. "Yeah right."

    He raised his arms up and flung them down. The shadows followed his movements, covering Percy in a black ball of nothingness.

    "NICO! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Percy banged on the walls of the ball, but nothing happened.

    The 13 year old sighed, and turned away from his past crushes form. "I'm sorry Percy. But I'm going to do something that needs to be done. And I know you're going to try and stop me."

    Nico drew his stygian iron sword and held the point against his neck. "This needs to happen, and we both know it. It needed to happen over 70 years ago."

    The black haired boy glanced at Percy's wide eyes, which seemed to be staring through the shadows and into Nico's eyes. "I'm sorry."

    So many things happened at once. The bones collapsed on top of the son of Hades just as the tip of the sword ran through Nico's throat. And for a split second he thought he heard two voices screaming in unison, the same exact words.

    "NICO NO!"

    And the shadows followed him to hell, along with Perseus Achilles Jackson's desperate voice.

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