Prompt Three - Crying In A Closet

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    Quiet sobs echoed loudly throughout the hallway. Atsumu paused, the noise seeming much more obvious than it would have been if classes weren't still in.

    He peered around a corner to look at where he thought he heard the crying, and a gasp caught in his throat.

    His volleyball captain, Kita Shinsuke, was sobbing in front of an abandoned janitor's closet, his knees brought up to his chest so he could hide his face in his legs.

    "Kita-San...?" Atsumu asked softly, lightly stepping closer to the older man.

    Shinsuke's head whipped around to stare at Atsumu in shock, his pretty eyes wide and startled. He shook his head quickly and wiped his tears with the heel of his hand.

    "Uh, hi, Atsumu-San. Sorry that you had to see me like this, haha." Shinsuke tried to laugh it off, but Atsumu's eyebrows scrunched together.

    "Nah, that's not a problem, Kita-Senpai." Atsumu got even closer, sliding to the ground next to the pale captain. "I jus' want to know if you're okay. I could hear ya from across the hallway."

    Shinsuke's eyebrows rose and he grimaced. "Ahh, I apologize for that..." He cleared his throat and leaned back against the door. "And it's honestly nothing. I'm just overreacting."

    Atsumu frowned and reached out to lay a hand on Shinsuke's shoulder. "Yer feelings aren't somethin' that should be overlooked, Kita-Senpai." Shinsuke felt his heart stutter once more at the use of the honorific. "Now tell me what the hell is botherin' ya."

    Shinsuke laughed for real this time, Atsumu's bluntness cheering him up slightly. "Oh, it really is nothing big. My boyfriend just publicly broke up with me after I caught him cheating with a girl this morning."

    Atsumu stiffened and his jaw clenched. He had hated Tawagoto from the start. He was way too cocky for someone who had nothing to show, and always treated Shinsuke like shit for no apparent reason.

    "Well, that's definitely a reason why I would be cryin' in a hallway alone." Atsumu supplied, trying to lighten the mood. He succeeded, and Shinsuke giggled gently.

    "I think I've only seen you truly cry once before." Shinsuke mentioned casually, and Astumu's eyes widened.

    "Wait, really? Fer real?" Astumu asked incredulously. Shinsuke nodded, and Astumu ran a hand down his face in disbelief. "That's crazy. I cry all the time."

    Shinsuke raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "You sure? I swear I haven't seen you cry more than twice at the absolute most."

    Astumu scratched the back of his head and hummed. "Well then, where- or when I s'pose I should say- have you seen me crying?"

    Shinsuke thought for a moment and finally said, "Well, I think I saw you cry once on the court when you dislocated your shoulder."

    Atsumu confirmed with a nod and pointed his finger up. "That's one. And I'm going to keep track of how many you can come up with."

    Shinsuke laughed and let his chin rest on the palm of his hand. "You might've cried the one time when Aran-kun banned you and Suna-san from hugging each other."

    Atsumu burst out in giggles. "Oh my god- I forgot about that!" But either way, he put his middle finger up as well.

    Shinsuke kept quiet for a few seconds before sighing and offering a shrug. "I don't remember any other times."

    Atsumu stopped giggling and stared. "Well, there was a game of seven minutes in heaven that we played as a group during a celebratory party..." He hinted, but Shinsuke just gave him a confused smile.

    "I cried when I was in there with Aran, because of how the two of you acted around each other. I really thought you were dating before he came out as Aromantic." Atsumu said with a smidgen of guilt lying in his tone. "So I guess I can say that I've cried in a closet before. What about you?"

    Shinsuke raised an eyebrow and hummed. "Well, I pretty much did the same thing when I was forced to go in with Suna-san. I thought the two of you were dating and got kind of upset over it before he told me that Osamu-san and him were the ones dating instead."

    Atsumu fake gagged. "Uh, yeah, no. ME dating RIN?! No way." He paused. "But that means that you have had a closet crying moment."

    Shinsuke let his lips curl up and he chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I have."

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