Wash The dIsHeS

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Hera: Hehem, what, may I ask, is this?

Hera: Hehem, what, may I ask, is this?

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Ezra: Diry dishes!

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Ezra: Diry dishes!

Zeb: Idk, looks kinda like Ezra to me

Sabine: Hahha he's right 🤣

Ezra: Hey!

Hera: How many times have I told you guys, clean your dishes off! Don't leave them in the sink!

Ezra: But why? They're just gonna get food on them again

Zeb: The kids got a point

Hera: Its gross. And I won't have it on my ship.

Ezra: Okay, I'll throw the dishes out the airlock

Hera: Ezra no- I want you guys to wash the dishes

Dun dun sun

Sabine: Us? W A S H tHe D I S H E S?

Hera: Yes

Zeb: I have to take out the trash

Hera: There's none on the ship

Ezra: Wrong: There's Chopper.



Sabine: Lol

Hera: I'm serious. Get in here and wash these dishes now.

Ezra: But- but-

Hera: No excuses

Sabine: I can't. I broke my arm

Ezra: And Chopper broke my knee cap

Zeb: ...I just don't want to wash the dishes because they look gross and I'm lazy

Hera: -sighs- Are you really going to make me do this the hard way?

Ezra: What's the hard way?

Hera: Kanan!

Kanan: Yes dear?

Hera: The kids won't wash the dishes

Kanan: Who would? They've been like that for 2 weeks now

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