The Thanksgiving Feast

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Aayla: Mmm you know what I smell?

Vos: The dirty socks I placed under your bed

Aayla: Eww no

Anakin: Was it that rotten tomato I threw under there?

Aayla: What is wrong with you guys??? And why are you throwing stinky stuff under my bed???

Adi Gallia: It was a dare. You don't want to know half the stuff we dare each other to do when you're gone on missions, and we're bored

Ahsoka: Ah, good times. Remember when I got stuck on the ceiling fan?

Anakin: Obi-Wan almost had a heart attack, LOL

Obi-Wan: It was no laughing matter. 

Aayla: Anyways, back to what I was saying before we got wayyy off track! Who smells what I smell?

Adi Gallia: You're gonna have to be wayy more specific

Shaak Ti: Cause all I smell is toilet paper rn

Kit: Wait, toilet paper smells?

Aayla: I meant the turkey of course! How could you not smell that?

Anakin: Because I super-glued a close pin on my nose and now I can't smell anything

Eth Koth: What

Vos: That's turkey? Huh. I thought it was a skunk

Adi Gallia: That's gross! 

Plo Koon: Ah! You've smelled the turkey! It will be ready this evening for dinner

Aayla: Great! What are the rest of you guys bringing for dinner?


Adi Gallia: Uh....

Kit: Well....

Shaak Ti: We're supposed to bring something for dinner?

Vos: Does a rabbit foot count?

Aayla: No! 

Vos: What about yak fur?

Aayla: No! 

Obi-Wan: None of you are baking anything? We can't very well have a Thanksgiving meal with nothing but turkey 

Anakin: Fine. I'll bring my mystery casserole

Ahsoka: Last time I found a shoe in that, so I am not eating it again. I'll bring sweet potatoes. With marshmallows on top! 

Adi Gallia: I'll bring like, stuffing? How hard can it be to make? I mean, you just mix stuff all together. 

Kit: Might as well ask Anakin for his mystery casserole recipe while you're at it

Adi Gallia: Well what are you gonna bring?

Kit: The corn! 

Aayla: I'll make some rolls! What is dinner without rolls anyways?

Shaak Ti: I will bring napkins



Adi Gallia: She's just gonna bring toilet paper, isn't she?

Ahsoka: Well, better than the time Anakin made us use rubber chickens as napkins

Eth Koth: I'll bring cranberry sauce

Aayla: Vos? What are you gonna bring?

Vos: Uhhhh shoe cake? 

Aayla: No

Vos: Fine! I will bring broccoli

Yoda: Bring green beans, I will

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