Trauma Shower

44 1 12

Sam: (deadpan) Well somebody must've been completely off their rocker.

(Sam, as well as the others, have just entered one of the third-floor rooms. What they find is a message written in what appears to be blood. Just like with the journal entries, the spelling, grammar and punctuation used to write the message is poor. Most likely written by the same person. The message reads: "Tern tern tern the numbers better not forget them So I'll right them down here The other one, my secret name". There's a code right above it- 2421.)

Rigby: At least whoever wrote this gave us another combination to unlock that box.

Mordecai: Mm-hmm.

(Sam writes the code down in the notepad he's been carrying on him.)

Sam: Alright. Done and done. All that's left now is to find that box.

(Doesn't take long for the four to find the box. Upon reaching Room S14, they see what looks to be a small, strong lockbox can be found tied down to the bed with twine, bound in chains, and secured with four different types of locks. Two kinds of locks for the keys, and two code locks.)

Mordecai: That's a bit... much.

Tommy: (curious) What could be so important in there to have four different kinds of locks?

Sam: (holding the carbon paper) We might as well find out.

(While he types in the carbon paper code onto the keypad, Mordecai tries out the combination from the "Tern tern tern" message, Tommy uses the Lapis Eye key for one lock, and Rigby uses the Purple Bull key for the other. Once all four locks have been dealt with, they open the box to look at the contents. What they see inside, weirds them all out.)

Rigby: You have got to be kidding me.

(He picks up a strand of human hair.)

Rigby: (angrily) THIS is what was in the box?! If this is somebody's lame idea of a joke, I AM NOT LAUGHING AT ALL!!

Mordecai: (also angrily) Me neither! I mean, what could possibly be so important about this stupid piece of hair in the first place?!

(Sam groans in exasperation before taking the strand of hair and examining it for a bit. An idea suddenly pops up, as he brings out the bent needle that was stuck in that teddy bear that he gave to Tommy. He then gets to tying one end of the hair with one end of the needle. This effectively creates a makeshift fishing hook.)

Sam: Looks like we got ourselves a little hook.

Mordecai: (impressed) Sweet. But what do we need to use it for?

Sam: I think I came across an old shower room during our search for that box. Had something clogging the drain when I peeked in it.

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