Park Stroll and Storytime

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Sam: Well, at least we got out of that place.

Mordecai: Yeah. I'm just glad we got Benson's package, and that we know what it is.

Rigby: Now the only thing left to do is get out of this madhouse of a town.

Sam: Agreed. And hopefully, we don't have to deal with those things roaming around. I almost got sprayed by one of those things on my way to the apartments. I am not dealing with that again.

(With that conversation between the three over, they continue walking down the street. It isn't long before they catch sight of a small figure sitting atop a wall. Getting closer, they find the young boy from the apartment building sitting on it.)

Sam: Tommy? Is that you?

(Tommy turns his head to where he heard Sam's voice, seeing the young man with the two park workers.)

Tommy: Hey Sam! How you doing?

Sam: I'm doing just fine.

Rigby: Hey, you're that little brat that stomped on my hand!

Tommy: (sticking out his tongue) Ha ha. Served you right, loser.

Sam: (angry) Tommy! Knock it off!

Tommy: (whimpering) Sorry Sam.

Sam: (calms down) What were you doing in that apartment building anyway? Better yet, what were you doing wandering around all over town? You know this place is overrun by monsters, right? You could've gotten seriously hurt. 

Tommy: (ashamed) I'm sorry Sam. I was just bored waiting inside that RV, and didn't know what to do.

Mordecai: (muttering) Doubt it.

Sam: Mordecai. You're not helping. (turns to Tommy) It's fine, Tommy. Now could you please get down from there?

(Tommy does exactly that, before walking over to Sam. His head is hanging low in shame.)

Sam: Now then, what do you say to Rigby?

Tommy: (muttering) I'm sorry.

Sam: Good. Now let's go.

(The four of them go on their way through the street, hoping to avoid any of those monsters along the way. They get to an entrance to Rosewater Park, where they go inside to rest for a bit.)

Rigby: Finally. I can't believe we had to do all of that walking away from the apartment building.

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