Reunion in Silence

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(The scene cuts to Mordecai and Rigby having just reached the door to the 2nd floor fire escape.)

Mordecai: Think we searched everywhere in here?

Rigby: Yeah. And that stupid package isn't anywhere in here, so we should probably get out of here.

Mordecai: Agreed.

(When they open the door, they come across something that catches them by surprise.)

Both: (shocked) Aw, what?!

(They find that the fire escape has been knocked down, for reasons unknown. The only thing that's right in front of them are the window for Room 203 of the Blue Creek Apartments.)

Rigby: (looking down at the space below) Okay, now this is just ridiculous.

Mordecai: (looking down also) Agreed. But let's just get this done and over with.

(They jump across to the window, and find themselves in Room 203. It's safe to say that the inside looks a bit better compared to Wood Side.)

Rigby: Search everywhere?

Mordecai: Yep.

Rigby: (in a deadpan tone) Of course.

(With this said, the two park workers begin their search. Needless to say, it got fruitless and pointless pretty quickly.)

Rigby: (having just chosen the bathroom) Well, there should be something in here that could be helpful. Honestly, how hard could finding a simple package be in this stupid town?

(As soon as he looks inside the toilet, he notices something inside it. With a disgusted expression on his face, he reaches in and pulls out what looks to be a wallet. He then notices some water in the sink, and plunges the dirty wallet inside so that he could wash it.)

Rigby: (annoyed) Okay, who in their right mind would use a toilet to hide something? It's so gross! Unbelievable!

(After he washes the wallet clean, the raccoon checks its pockets to see if anything was inside. When he gets to the pocket where the cash is usually placed, he finds a folded piece of paper. Taking it out and unfolding it, Rigby takes a look at its contents. The scene then cuts to what's on it: 05>>13<<02>>11)

Rigby: That's odd. This suppose to be some sort of combination or something?

(Mordecai then walks in.)

Mordecai: Hey, what'd you got there?

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