The Drive

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(It begins in a foggy road, with a lone car driving along it. The scene cuts to Mordecai and Rigby inside, with Mordecai behind the wheel. Both of them have an expression of annoyance.)

Rigby:  Ugghhh!! How come we're the ones getting this so-called 'special package' and not Benson? 

Mordecai: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because SOMEBODY blew up the whole house instead of listening to his buddy like he was supposed to.

Rigby: (angrily) How was I suppose to know that those red sticks that I found were dynamite?! They didn't have the stupid label on them! Sheesh man. Here I thought you were helping me out.

Mordecai: (turning to Rigby, while keeping his hands on the wheel) Look dude, I don't want to have to do this as much as you but I'm not going to get fired for YOUR screwup. So let's just get this thing over and done with, alright?

Rigby: (sighs) Fine. (He leans on the car window, still annoyed.) 

(Things go quiet for a few moments before Rigby decides to break it.)

Rigby: Does it somehow bother you that we're driving to a town miles from where we live? 

Mordecai: (shrugging his shoulders) A little. Not surprised about it. I mean we have done stuff like this a few times, so why would this be any different? 

 Rigby: I don't know why, but I've got this...bad feeling about it, is all. Take it from me, man. 

Mordecai: Whatever.

(But as soon as he says that, Mordecai sees a silhouette of somebody trying to cross the road.)

Mordecai:  AAH!

(He swerves the car in order to avoid hitting the person, catching Rigby by surprise as he holds on to his seat. The car then crashes into a tree, smashing the front hood and knocking the both of them unconscious.)

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