Checking into A Nightmare

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(The scene then changes to Mordecai and Rigby walking right in the middle of Katz St. Rigby is shining the flashlight in his hand all across the street, hoping to avoid dealing with any of those monsters lurking all over town.)

Mordecai: (looking at the map before turning to Rigby) See anything, dude?

Rigby: (still shining the light) I... I don't think so.

Mordecai: (relieved) That's cool. Hey, do you think we'd be able to find the package inside those apartments when we get there?

Rigby: I was just gonna ask you that, man. To be honest, I hope so. The sooner we get it, the sooner we can get out of this living nightmare of a town.

(Mordecai breathes out a sigh, clearly agreeing with his friend. He looks up to see the three-story brick buildings that were Wood Side Apartments just about a block ahead of them. This leads to him speeding up his walk, which has Rigby follow him too. They approach the front gate, clearly getting a full view of the place.)

Rigby: This is where we're supposed to find that package?

Mordecai: Are you surprised?

(Rigby gives him a look of annoyance before he sees him using the Apartment Gate Key. Mordecai opens it and they both walk right through.)

Rigby: Think we should go inside?

Mordecai: Yeah, I guess so. We should start with the one closest to us first.

Rigby: Good plan.

(The scene cuts to the inside of the west entrance of the apartments. The door opens up, letting the two workers walk right inside. They each look around the room, a bit nervous while they're doing so.)

Rigby: I don't think anybody's home, Mordecai. Do you?

Mordecai: Nah, man. Pretty sure they wouldn't want to live in a place like this.

(Rigby gulps at that.)

Mordecai: We should get this done and over with.

(They find the map to the apartments lying right near the key holders. Mordecai then walks right over to the courtyard door, by finds it locked.)

Mordecai: Eugh! Great, now we got to find the key for this.

Rigby: Eugh!

(They walk up the stairs leading to the second floor, being sure as to avoid any of those monsters outside the place. They reach the door to the second floor, open it, and go inside. To their right next to the door is a laundry room.)

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