A Death in the Basement

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(The first of the four to wake up is Sam, who groans in pain from the fall they had. He grabs a hold of his head, to ease the headache he has, before standing up. Noticing his glasses on the floor, he picks them up and puts them back on.)

Sam: (looking up) Oh man, I thought we going to die after a fall like that. Is everybody okay?

(Everyone else groans out in pain before getting up and saying that they're all alright.)

Rigby: (groaning) Did anybody get the license plate on that semi?

Mordecai: (also groaning) Dude, I didn't even see it coming.

(They all look up to see where they fell from.)

Mordecai: What the heck just happened up there?

Sam: My best guess is that... thing managed to sneak up on us.

Rigby: (annoyed) Are you kidding me?! What is with that guy?!

Sam: I got no idea, but whatever it is it can't possibly be good.

(With that said, everybody heads back inside. When they look inside, they find the inside of the hospital to be a bit different.)

Tommy: Does this place seem a bit... different to you guys?

(Everyone looks around to find that the walls are covered with what looks to be tarp. Some of the doors look to be blocked by large boxes and such. For what reason, no one has a clue.)

Sam: Ok, this is just weird.

Mordecai: Where did all this tarp even come from?

Rigby: (clearly unsettled) I don't know, but this is starting to get to me. We better get of this nuthouse right now before that thing comes back.

(With that settled, the four search the halls for a possible exit so that they can leave the hospital. At some point, Tommy manages to find a pair of shoes that fit his size. With at least that taken care of, the group resumes what they're doing. By the time they've all finished searching everywhere on the floor, the four rub on their arms and shoulders to alleviate themselves of the pain from having just dealt with some of those nurse-like creatures as well as a few creatures made of flesh that were dangling in metal frames being suspended from the ceiling of one of the examination rooms while Sam and Mordecai were looking for supplies.)

Sam: Ow. Just when you thought you'd seen everything that this town has in store for us, it ends up throwing a proverbial curveball your way and catches you completely by surprise.

Mordecai: (groaning from the pain in his shoulder) Tell me about it. Rigby and I have had to deal with weird stuff almost every single day at the park.

Rigby: If I were to choose between the park and this madhouse of a town, I'd pick the park any day.

(As soon as everyone is healed up, the four resume their search for a way out of the hospital. The following montage consists of them solving a few more puzzles and finding a few items here and there. It ends with them appearing in front of a painting of a woman with her arms popping out of the frame. Sam places the two rings that were found throughout the floor. The frame then opens up, a flight of stairs leading down into the basement.)

Tommy: (picks up what looks to be a note on the floor after having gone down the first flight of stairs) "I found the director's key"?

Rigby: Maybe it leads to a way out.

(They all head down the stairs, finding themselves in the basement.)

Mordecai: Don't you just hate it when the basement ends up one of the creepiest places to explore?

Sam: (sighing irritably) Not the only one who hates that, dude. Not the only one.

(Just as they were about to walk down the basement hallway, what sounds like a pig-like creature squealing somewhere in the walls. This catches everyone off guard.)

Tommy: (scared) What was that?

Sam: I don't know, but I don't want to find out.

(They then hear something else. Something scraping along the floor. All of the guys, all too familiar with that particular sound, slowly turn their heads behind them to see Pyramid Head looming over them. Only this time, it appears to be holding a rusty spear in its hand.)

Sam: (terrified) RUN!!

(With that, they all run toward the elevator to the lobby on the other side of the basement. Each and every one of them clearly scared out of their minds.)

Rigby: (scared) Where does this guy keep coming from anyway?!

Mordecai: (horrified) I don't know, dude!! And I'm not going to find out!!

(As soon as they all make it to the elevator, Mordecai frantically presses the button to call it down. Every few seconds, he looks back to see the pyramid headed creature lurking towards them. It gets closer and closer, spear in hand, ready to use it to skewer its prey.)

Sam: Come on, hurry.

(The elevator door opens up, giving Mordecai and Rigby time to get inside. Tommy follows suit. Sam is the last one to head inside.)

Sam: (breathes a sigh of relief, seeing the elevator doors close) Well, that wasn't so bad. Now let's get out of this death tr-

(That was all he could manage to say before he felt something pierce right through him. Looking down, he finds the sharp tip of the creature's spear coming right out of his chest. A lot of blood spews out from the wound as he sees the bloodied tip come out the way it came in. He looks toward the others, expressions of shock and horror as they saw what has happened.)

Sam: No... (falls to the ground near the elevator doors, which have just closed)

Mordecai and Rigby: SAM!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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