Delving Even Deeper

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Rigby: Okay, we checked out all the rooms on this side. So, now we should check all the ones on the other.

Mordecai: Good idea. Hopefully, we can find out what the heck's going on in this crazy town while we're at it.

Rigby: (shivering a little) Yeah, you and me both.

(They soon enter Room 205, which looks to be a bit pitch dark for either of them to see anything clearly.)

Mordecai: (squinting his eyes) Oh man, I can't see anything. Can you?

Rigby: (shining the flashlight) No Mordecai. No matter how hard I shine this thing, I can't seem to get anything clearly.

(He then notices a mannequin wearing what looked to be a woman's clothes standing in the middle of the room. Confused, he cautiously walks right up to it. As soon as he's right in front of it, he turns to Mordecai, who is just as confused as he is.)

Rigby: Does this look weird to you?

Mordecai: (shrugging) I guess. Whoever used to live here must've had a sense of fashion or something.

Rigby: But why would they leave something like this here? That's just pathetic, to be honest. A girl might find this pretty for all they know.

(Mordecai was about to say something when he notices something right behind the mannequin and Rigby.)

Mordecai: Uh, Rigby. (pointing) What is that lying there?

Rigby: Huh?

(Rigby look right behind him and shines the flashlight to where his friend was pointing, only to get an expression of fear slowly creep into his face. What he's seeing is a monster consisting of a feminine human torso, clad in what looks like a leotard made from putrid skin. Two legs take place of the head and arms and seem to lack any feet. It turns right toward the scared raccoon, before it starts to slowly walk over to him.)

Rigby: (shouting) What the heck is that?!

Mordecai: I don't know but we should probably get outta here!! Run!

(They both run out of the room, shutting the door while they're at it. Expressions of fear are plastered all over their faces as their backs are against the door.)

Rigby: Weren't those things from outside in the streets already bad enough for us??

Mordecai: Let's just go, dude.

(With that said, the two resume their exploration of the second floor. Like before, they find most of the doors locked as well as the locks busted and broken. They are just about to get to Room 208 when they notice something off right next to the door.)

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