Rest, then Back on the Road Again

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(The scene cuts to Mordecai and Rigby walking right around the back of the diner, finding the trailer parked there. It looks to be just like any other regular trailer, kinda like the one Muscle Man lives in.)

Mordecai: This looks nice. I think.

Rigby: At least it isn't as messy as Muscle Man's. Let's check inside.

(They walk right up to the door of the trailer. Mordecai, being the taller of the two, opens it up so that they could look inside. The inside looks quite decent.)

Mordecai: Looks okay.

Rigby: (rushing inside before jumping up toward the top bunk) Good enough for me, dude.

Mordecai: (going for the bottom bunk) Yeah. Might as well enjoy this, at least.

(Both of them close their eyes and nap for a bit. An hour passes by when they wake up.)

Rigby: (stretching) Oh man. I so deserved that. Hey Mordecai, are you awake yet?

Mordecai: (does some stretching of his own) Mmm, yeah. We should probably get back to finding that package.

(The two come out of the trailer, finding themselves surrounded by fog like when they first came here. They come back inside the diner, hoping to say thanks to Sam for all the help he's done for them.)

Mordecai: Hey Sam, you in here?

Sam: Yeah, I'm right here.

(Mordecai turns his head to the direction of the jukebox, which is where Sam is at. Apparently, he's in the middle of looking for a song to play from it when he heard the blue jay calling him.)

Sam: All rested up?

Mordecai: Yeah, man. We feel great.

Rigby: We just want to say thanks for helping us out, bro. Really mean it.

Sam: Like I said, glad I could help.

(He walks over to them, a hand reaching into his pocket for something. What he fishes out is a key.)

Sam: Here. I want you to have this.

Mordecai: What's this?

Sam: A key for the gate to Wood Side Apartments.

Rigby: Where's that?

Sam: Over in South Vale on Katz St. It's a couple of large three-story brick buildings with a large gate in front of it. You won't be able to miss it through all of that fog out there.

Mordecai: Alright, got it. See ya later.

Sam: See ya.

(With that conversation over, Mordecai and Rigby leave the diner back through the entrance. Sam, on the other hand, goes back to looking for something to play on the jukebox. He then finds what he needs, pressing a couple of buttons before pressing the "play" button. "Life Is Strange" by Buddy Holly is then playing soon after.)

Sam: (smiling) Let's hope that they'll be able to make it through this place alive. 

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