Rooftop Drop

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Sam: (uses the elevator key to unlock the elevator) You don't suppose that your boss is going to make good on his threat of firing you two when you get back, are you?

Mordecai: (shrugs his shoulders) Nah. He only says that so that we can work faster and not goof off.

Rigby: And it's not like he can actually try to do it. I mean who would he get to take care of the park?

Sam: I do distinctly remember the one time you told me how one of your fellow workers was fired because of how he made a joke after being falsely accused of spraypainting a bathroom wall.

Rigby: Yeah, but Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost got their jobs back once we dealt with the actual perp behind that.

Tommy: (tilts his head to the side) How many times has he said it when you were both working with him?

Mordecai: I don't know. Maybe hundreds of times, thousands. Didn't bother keeping track.

(Sam presses the button to the elevator, which then opens up. The four of them head inside, Rigby pressing the button leading up to the roof. The elevator door closes and they head up.)

Sam: What exactly do you guys think we find up here? All I can see is a whole lot of nothing.

(Everybody looks around, before Rigby sees something.)

Rigby: Hey, what's that?

(He heads over to what he sees and picks up what appears to be a diary of some sort. As the others walk up to see what he found, Rigby reads through the contents. A look of concern adorns his face as he does so.)

Tommy: What is it?

Rigby: I think this is someone's diary.

Mordecai: But what's it doing out here on the roof?

Rigby: Don't know dude, but whoever wrote in this must've been pretty depressed during their time in this hospital.

Sam: You guys don't think the author left this here before they... (he trails off before stopping, looking at the edge of the roof)

(Everyone else gets the message behind the gesture, the two park workers having a horrified look on each of their faces.)

Tommy: Maybe they just slipped and fell into a dumpster, but they're okay?

Sam: (concerned) Tommy, I don't think they slipped. (looks at a particular entry) Listen to these two lines: "Would they have saved me if I didn't have a family to feed? Would they have saved me if there was no one who would grieve for me?" That doesn't sound like they wanted to live.

Tommy: Why not?

Sam: Well, some people believe that life hasn't any meaning for them. That it's all just one big struggle after another, and what they're doing is making the pain even worse. So, as a result they just decided that they couldn't take it anymore.

Mordecai: A sad truth.

Rigby: Really sad truth.

(Just then, a loud thudding sound could be heard coming from where the diary was found. All four guys look at each other for a moment before they all head over to that particular spot. Rigby gives Sam the flashlight to see the ground below better. Sam, flashlight in hand, peers down on the ground below them to find out where the cause of that loud thud came from. Strangely, there doesn't seem to be one.)

Sam: Can't find anything. Must've been a cat that got scared and just ran off. Of course, I highly doubt that would be case since I haven't seen any stray animals wander around here.

Rigby: You think those monsters got to them and tore them apart?

(Sam gives the raccoon a deadpan look when the latter asked that.)

Sam: (deadpan tone) If they had, we'd be seeing their carcasses right now.

Mordecai: (also in a deadpan tone) You really need to think about what you say before you say it man.

(Just as Rigby was about to say something back, all four guys hear a familiar scraping sound coming from behind them. Tommy is the first to turn around, seeing the large figure of Pyramid Head holding the blunt end of the large knife it is holding in a swinging position. Almost as if it were going to hit the quartet, which is precisely what it's doing right now.)

Tommy: Guys, it's him!

(Before they could get a chance to react in time, Pyramid Head swings the blunt end of its large knife and hits the quartet with it. This causes them to fly straight into one of the fences, before falling off and landing in another part of the building's third floor. They all black out at once.) 

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