Stairwell Fight

99 3 18

Mordecai: You sure the package is in this room? (pointing at the door to Room 205)

Sam: Yeah, pretty sure.

(Uncertainty filling their beings, Mordecai and Rigby follow Sam inside as he opens the door. The scene then cuts to them all inside.)

Sam: (looking around) Well, this place looks... hunky-dory. I think...

Rigby: At least none of those things out there are inside. That's a plus.

Sam: Agreed.

(He turns to see what looks to be a drawer of some kind placed against the wall adjacent to the entrance. Five large indents can be seen carved in it, each of them the size of a large coin.)

Sam: Well, this looks interesting.

(He reaches into his pocket, and takes out a coin that has a picture of a woman on it.)

Rigby: You got another one of those coins too?

Sam: Hmm?

(Mordecai and Rigby show him the other two coins that they've managed to get on their way here.)

Mordecai: Any idea on what to do with them? We're both a bit stumped.

Sam: (turning to look at the drawer, before gazing at his coin) I think it has something to do with this drawer right over here.

(The park workers look at the drawer, catching sight of the indents.)

Rigby: What's in there?

Sam: (examining) Your guess is as good mine, dude. (finds something) What the?

(He reaches underneath the drawer, finding what looks to be a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, he reads the contents out loud.)

Sam: (reading) "Three bright coins in five holes be

At one end sits
the Seducer of she

The wind from behind
the woman doth play

The Formless One,
Null, lies furthest from they

The Old One beside
the Serpent sits not.

'Tis to the Prisoner's left
that he doth rot"

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