Pyramidal Dread

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(The two workers find their way back to the second floor, and were just about to walk back to Room 208 when they heard what sounded to be a cry of immense pain coming from that direction.)

Rigby: (startled) W-what the heck was that?

Mordecai: (also startled) Not sure, but it sounded like someone's in trouble. Come on.

(With that said, they run the rest of the way back to Room 208 in the hopes of helping the person that made that cry.)

Mordecai: (having reached the door) Let's hope they're okay. (turning to Rigby) Right, dude.

(Rigby, looking at the grille, is shaking like a leaf as he points the flashlight into the other side of it. Mordecai looks over to the grille, only to get a horrified expression as he sees what's on the other side. Standing seemingly still is what looks to be somebody wearing a butcher's apron, and a pyramid shaped helmet with the ends of it looking to be rather sharp. Where exactly did he come from, or how long he was standing there is something that neither the blue jay nor the raccoon know right at the moment. Needless to say, it's kinda scary for them both. Without a word said, they go inside and shut the door as quickly as they could.)

Mordecai: (scared) What was that guy doing out there?

Rigby: (also scared) I don't know man. But he wasn't there when we came here the first time. I'm not even sure if he's even human.

(Noticing something different, they look to see that the TV is on. Only problem is that it's filled with static. They also notice a trail of what looks to be blood coming from beneath an armchair right in front of it. It looks to have been dragged from another spot of the room, judging from it.)

Rigby: Has that chair been over there before?

Mordecai: I don't think so. Last I checked, it was on the other side.

(They cautiously walk over to the armchair, only to discover something horrifying. Sitting in the armchair is what looks to be a corpse, seemingly bludgeoned to death. Both of them run right over to where the kitchen is at so that they could puke out their lunch.)

Rigby: (groaning) Ohh dude, and I thought what we saw in that house outside of town was sick.

Mordecai: (also groaning) Agreed. But what could've done something like that in the first place?

Rigby: I don't know, but I don't want to find out.

(With that said, Mordecai decides to go back to the room with the clock. He wanted to check it out before the loud noise from the floor above caused him and Rigby to see what was going on. The scared raccoon follows him inside, wanting to get the image of that corps out of his mind for right now.)

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