The First Glimpse into the Horror

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Mordecai: (looks to his left to look at something that has just caught his attention) What the...?

(Rigby, having heard what Mordecai had just said, looks in the same direction so that he could see what his buddy was seeing. The nervous expression on his face from earlier has now changed to one of confusion. What they're both seeing is what appears to be a large 3-story wooden house standing there with what looked to be a shed just a few feet behind it.)

Rigby: You think there could be somebody that would help us? 

Mordecai: Think so. Come on.

(Cut to inside the house, just as Mordecai opens the front door. Looking around, they see that it's empty.)

Mordecai: Hello! Is anybody home? We're sorry for intruding, but our car just broke down not far from here. We just need directions to Silent Hill, then we can leave. 

(Silence meets them both. This, in turn, causes the two to look at each other nervously.)

Rigby: I don't think we should do this, man. You really sure that anyone lives here?

Mordecai: They probably couldn't hear us 'cause they're in another room. 

Rigby: (unsure) That's what worries me, bro.

(They walk inside. The inside looks to be just like any old house. Except of course for the darkness overwhelming it.)

Rigby: Oh man, I can't see anything in here. 

Mordecai: Yeah, me neither man. C'mon, help me find a light.

(The two begin searching for some sort of light that could make things a lot more easier for them. A few times they bump into some of the furniture, leading to them falling on their butts. They then find themselves in the kitchen, with Mordecai finding a light switch and turns it on.)

Mordecai: (startled) What in the...? 

(He looks to see what appears to be a human body all cut up in some places on top of a table in the center of the kitchen. A medium-sized cleaver could be seen next to where the head is supposed to be, indicating that whoever the body belonged to had just been decapitated. A large pool of blood is seen spilled all over the floor.) 

Rigby: (looking like he's about to puke) Sick. What kind of psycho would do something like this? 

Mordecai: I don't know, dude. But we've got to find a way to town right now. 

(He finds what looks to be a flashlight next to a pile of clothes that seem to be discarded. He grabs it, and they both leave.)

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