After the Crash

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(The scene fades in to show the front hood of the car having just crashed into a large tree. Cuts to inside, with Mordecai and Rigby in their seats still unconscious. Mordecai then wakes up first, with blood on the left side of his head.) 

Mordecai: (moans in pain) Oh man, that hurt. (he rubs his head, before looking to see blood on his hand) What happened...? (he unlocks his seatbelt and opens the car door)

(He looks all around him, hoping to find whoever was crossing the road before he crashed the car. A loud moan from behind causes him to turn around, seeing that Rigby had woke up and also got out of the car just like he did.)

Rigby: What the heck, man?

Mordecai: Sorry, dude. I could've sworn I saw somebody cross the street. Just didn't wanna hit them. 

(Rigby then looks around the road, too.)

Rigby: Dude, I don't see anybody. You sure you weren't seeing things?

Mordecai: No, man. I swore I saw someone crossing the street. They probably just left while we were out. 

(Both of them then get back to the car, and see the destroyed front hood.)

Rigby: Aw man, Benson is so going to kill us when he sees this. What're we going to do, now? 

Mordecai: C'mon dude. We might as well just leave it here for now. (turns the car off and grabs the keys before putting them away) We're going to have to walk the rest of the way there. No use complaining about it now.

Rigby: Ugh!! Fine. 

(The two walk the rest of the road, with Mordecai looking at the map in his hands that he also got out of the car detailing the town they're about to go to. The words, "Silent Hill", are in bold on the top right-hand corner.) 

Rigby: (looking at the map) How much further do we have to go, man? 

Mordecai: We should be there in about 10 minutes or so. 

Rigby: But how do we even know that we're there? It's already dark out, and I can't see anything through this creepy fog. (nervously looking around) I just want to go home and not talk about this.

Mordecai: Will you cool it, Rigby? You're just being paranoid.

Rigby: Stop talking!!

(Mordecai groans in exasperation, before continuing to look through the map.)

Regular Hill (Regular Show x Silent Hill crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें