Regular Hill 5-Local Hospitality

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(Mordecai and Rigby walk through, according to the map, an intersection of Rendell St. and Carroll St. for about a few minutes.)

Rigby: What do you suppose that 'special package' would be, anyway?

Mordecai: (still looking at the map) Don't know. Benson didn't say.

Rigby: Seriously?

Mordecai: Yeah, man. All he said was that we had to get it from here.

(Rigby sighs at that.)

Rigby: He really needs to lighten up, ya know.

Mordecai: (looking at Rigby) Well there's no way he could do that if you keep slacking off like you normally do. Which is pretty much all the time.

Rigby: (angrily) C'mon man, you usually do too.

Mordecai: I also know when to NOT get myself into trouble.

(As soon as he says that, Mordecai hears a splashing sound. Looking down, he notices that he's stepped into what appears to be a small puddle of blood. Recoiling from both surprise and fear, the tall blue jay notices a trail leading from it all the way to the right. Turning to Rigby, who has also noticed the blood trail, both of them gulp simultaneously in nervousness before deciding to follow it to see where it leads to.)

Mordecai: Hello, does anybody need any help?

Rigby: I've got a bad feeling about this, man.

(The two find the trail leads to what looks to be a dark alleyway. Rigby shines the flashlight in his hands in there, only to see something that leads to his expression change to that of fear. Crouching down next to a corpse is what looks to be some sort of creature made entirely out of flesh. It looks to be trapped in a straightjacket of said flesh, with the legs looking feminine and ending in platform heels encased in the stuff.)

Rigby: (afraid) M-mordecai... what is that thing?

Mordecai: (also afraid) Not sure, dude. All I know is that we should leave.

(They back away slowly, before the monster all of a sudden lifts its deformed head to look at them. It then stands up, then emits a rather ear-piercing screech, scaring the daylights out of both of them. The two then run the opposite direction in the hopes of losing it.)

Rigby: Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!!

Mordecai: Oh man, I'm gonna kill you for this, Rigby!


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