Welcome to Silent Hill

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(The two continue walking down the road, wanting to forget the gorefest they'd just saw back in that house. Mordecai is still holding onto the flashlight he had taken in one hand while looking at the map in his other one. Every now and then, his head turns slightly behind him and then back to the map. Most likely thinking about what is going on right now.)

Rigby: (shivering in fear) A-are we there yet?

Mordecai: Not yet, dude. Just about a few miles of walking.

Rigby: But you said that we only had 10 minutes!

Mordecai: I know, dude. We just need to finish walking until we get there. 

(Rigby stays quiet after that, and he tries his best to match his bud's pace. He looks all around himself, expression mixed with dread and fear etched on his face while at it.)

Rigby: (seeing something in front of them) Hey Mordecai, look.

Mordecai: What? What is it?

(Rigby runs over to what he just saw, with Mordecai following after. They both stop right in front of the large object, Mordecai shining it with the flashlight. It's revealed a large sign that says "Welcome to Silent Hill" written on it. The sign is more similar to large tourism signs resort towns use. Two spotlights could be seen hanging above it.)

Rigby: Oh yeah! We finally made it!

Mordecai and Rigby: OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!

(They continue their way, having finally made it to Silent Hill. Walking past the welcome sign, neither one of them notice a shadowy figure watching them from afar.)

Shadowy figure: (smiling darkly) Looks like we got some new arrivals here. Been a long time since anyone has ever come. I suppose I'll have to make their time here... much interesting. Provided they don't die a brutal death of course.

(The figure laughs like a psycho before walking in another direction.)

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