Chapter 10: Escape

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                       .....Hiccups POV.....

I slowly began to feel my strength return in the dark, and then became aware of a paper under my left paw. I lifted the paper carefully with a claw and made some light with my plasma to read by. I didn't need much, which was good because I couldn't make much. Astrid had left my bindings as loose as possible without being noticeable. The note read I have weakened these points outlined in the arena. I'm gonna get in a fight with snotlout when they let you out. You'll need to act crazy and avoid us. Blast a hole in one of the weak spots and get out of here as fast as you can! I sighed. She did a lot of work for nothing... I should have told her my blasts could get through anything but very thick stone. I had a better plan. I'd just change into my human form and sneak out- no harm done. That's when I heard angry snorts and growls... from Hookfang?!! She was right outside my cage... I cursed silently. Looks like my plan was toast. I'd have to go with Astrids plan and do a lot of praying. The cage opened and a very angry, smoking Hookfang stumbled in. She was frantic, her snout was chained and she had an arrow wound in her neck.

     Hookfang. Hookfang please listen to me. I can get us out of here. Just stay calm and save your strength. Look. I know it sounds weird but don't try fighting the humans. Just run from them until I send out a distress call, then escape through the holes I will make in the arena chains. I growled to her. They got you too she hissed, whipping around to face me. I moaned in agreement. No. I've had enough of this. First the queen takes my mate. Then these humans take me from my babies. I will kill every one of them she growled, eyes narrow slits. I sighed. Trying to convince her in this state would do no good. I knew what I had to do.

      The day wore on and soon we heard the rumble of the viking crowds above us. I cowered and forced myself to breathe as my father's voice quieted the crowd and explained the rules of the game. An unfamiliar voice then began speaking. "As agreed, Snotlout of Berk and my son will compete. The first to kill the night fury will have the honor of courting Astrid of Berk," I said a silent prayer that both would have some terrible accident.

       I didn't want to kill them, and I definitely didn't want Astrid stuck with either of them. " Hold on! You're missing a contestant! I am allowed to fight for my own hand, by the law of the ancients. You can't refuse me that right," Astrid's voice spoke. Ensuing chaos began with vikings fighting about the ancient law and stoick demanding everyone calm themselves. "The lass is right. We can't break ancient law." Stoick said as the clamor stopped.

     "But she's a girl!! She marries who the chief says!!" A booming voice yelled. "I'm the chief and I decide who I want to order around!!" Stoick roared back. "Now. Let the games begin." He finished quietly, sounding defeated. The doors of our prison began opening and Hookfang began to struggle as her head binding was ripped off by Gobber's Hook from above. He quickly pulled his hook back up from the small hatch and stumbled a good distance away as Hookfang tried to snap at him through the bars, then flamed up and raced into the arena, sending vikings into panic and awe as she clambered around the top of the arena.

      I was still in the dark, the open door still cast enough of a shadow to hide me... I hoped everyone would be to engrossed in the fight to see the light released from my transformation. It wasn't much- just a slight glow. I focused and quickly changed. The hot smashing feeling made me groan and gasp, especially as it reached my wounded side. The chains fell away from me and I wiggled out, now a skinny, defenseless boy in a half bodysuit of scales. I crept along the shadows and inched my way along the wall. A stout viking closest to me on the bottom stand was intensly focused on the fight in the arena, so he didn't see when I clambered up the corner wall and snuck past him. I squeezed along the side of cheering vikings and finally made my way to the wood dock exiting the arena. That's when I started running as fast as I could. I checked behind me as I entered the village... and turned to face a clothesline teeming with dried  clothes and sheets.

     I stumbled and fell fast on my face, then groaned and wheeled in pain as my side registered the hit. I heard a woman yelling in the distance and quickly ripped the attacking sheet from the clothesline, covered my head and upper body with it, and ran faster to the cliff I had been meeting Astrid at. I leapt off the cliff with the viking woman many yards behind me, then transformed and ran deep into the forest. Her yells stopped short as she realized I had vanished. "You little thief! I'll get ya for that Tuff nut! It's the last time you steal my laundry!!" I breathed a deep sigh of relief and continued moving deeper into the forest. Now that I was unchained, I had to figure out how to rescue Hookfang. I doubled back and grabbed my stolen sheet- I had an idea.

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