Chapter 34: A not so Happy New Year

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                ----Astrid's POV----

Great. Now Hiccup and the dragon riders have a bounty on their heads. And apparently there were several large dragon trapping figures searching for us. I wish I knew how to disguise myself. The best I had was invisibility... which I still hadn't told Hiccup about. I'd almost forgotten it in all the insanity. He probably knew though- I'd been using it in our fight before coming back to the edge. If I could totally change my appearance that would be helpful. I'd be able to walk among even the northern trade post unnoticed. Our prisoner had been thoroughly interrogated and that's how we learned the bad news. He was hired by Viggo, apparently. We'd sent him away to Berk's prison.

    Currently we were all in the main hall on the edge after a tough day of training. We were trying to follow through with the poison idea. I'd been able to get Eret's help with it. As much as he wouldn't admit it, I could tell Berk was growing on him... and possibly Ruff. He asked specifically about her and sent me back with a letter for her.... though I hadn't had the chance to ask her about it. "Yep and that takes us back to the dragons testing the food falling dead." Fishlegs sighed, looking at all his plant cards strewn across the table. "Ok... I got nothing. We are sitting ducks.. no plan. Not enough help, no power. How are we gonna free anyone?!" Hiccup cried, pulling on his hair in stress. He shook his head and jumped off the main hall ledge, clearly going for a flight. "Just give him time to clear his  head. Actually a flight might do us all some good. Should we go watch the sunset?" Pearl asked, twirling her hair in her fingers. "Yes. Totally." Snotlout agreed. Of all the group, I had been surprised at how well she and snotlout got along. I mean he didn't get along well with anyone... but Pearl seemed way better than the rest of us at dealing with the mutton head.

     The cliffs were in sight as the shape of winged Hiccup came hurtling at us! "Hunters!! I've spotted them way to close for comfort." He said breathlessly, stumbling in his landing. Easy there! Stormfly warbled, walking up to him. "Let's sink some ships Hookie." Snotlout said. "Wait! We should watch them first, attack second." Pearl said. "No no. That's the problem. The hunters... they have gronckle iron everything. Even their ships are mostly gronckle iron plated. If they see us we're dead." Hiccup said, now standing. "Why are they sailing this late in the season? Snoggletog is like... 2 days away." Heather said. "Wait. I got a letter yesterday from the chief. The trade ships are late this year... would this have anything to do with it? I wouldn't put it past Viggo to capture the traders and use their supplies to demand we turn ourselves in." Hiccup said. "Ok. Fine. So we turn ourselves in... then take control of the ship!" Ruff yelled. A smile spread on my face then. "I have an idea. I can only share it with Hiccup though." I said thoughtfully.

    After discussing it with him separately, the plan was set. Fishlegs made up a concoction to hide my scent, and I rode unseen behind Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, and meatlug. The plan was to get intentionally caught. I watched carefully and split from the twins as nets came hurtling our way. I landed silently on the deck while the others fought like mad to escape. Hiccup was right. This ship was heavily fortified. I followed the guards down the hatch, unbeknownst to anyone, my friends included. I used my connection with Hiccup to let him see through my eyes. Sure enough, my friends were tossed in the cell along with several traders. I managed to snatch the keys as the guards left and silently placed them on the ground next to my foot. I carefully searched around below deck, soon enough I found a cabin with many important looking things. I heard voices and froze, looking for a place to hide. I decided on the corner of an empty cell, right outside the cabin.

      Several important looking hunters walked past me, with Viggo following. I tried to still my pounding heart and shared my sight with Hiccup again. "We have 3 of their riders. Their base must be close. With the traders kept away long enough, they'll have to come put of hiding. What of the bond breaking? Any news on that?" He said. Now I heard their muffled talk through the door, still plenty loud for my sensitive ears. "No sir. There is no way besides killing the night fury." A hunter replied. "Then the king had better make it worth my while. Better yet, I'll do my own research on this. If I can find nothing perhaps I will do what the king says." Viggo growled. I checked to be sure I was still invisible, and then moved closer to the cage my friends were stuck in. I froze as Viggo looked back before going up the hatch. "Watch these prisoners carefully. I have a feeling they wouldn't get caught on accident." He said. I gulped and waited as they left.

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