Chapter 25: Downed Dragon

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                   ------ Hiccup's POV-----

       The sky grew dark with clouds as I finished the 2nd lap around the nest, fleeing the furious queen. Now that I knew she was fairly capable in her flight abilities, it was time to disappear. I heard faint cheering as I zipped over the Vikings on the ground, dodging the seastacks that the queen crashed through like paper. We both flew up and into the clouds, out of sight from those on the ground. The queen's angry threats and constant efforts to take control of me sapped my energy, but I kept challenging her and pushing my tired wings harder.

      The queen's partial sight didn't prove advantageous up here, since she used her smell and hearing  to locate me. She was slow, but powerful. I knew I had little time to end this. I flitted around her, landing blast after blast of lethal plasma. It weakened and injured her to the point of blind rage, so she began spewing fire everywhere, trying to pin point my location. She knew the general area, but I was to small for her to pick out. As I frantically flew loops around the fire, an idea came to me. She had plenty of fuel inside of her.... If I could just ignite it, the fight would end. But I had to get right under her open mouth to do so. I was knocked sideways by her next volley of fire, and while the heat didn't bother me, the force of it wrenched and bruised my wing left wing muscle badly. I shrieked in pain, hoping the queen would hear me.

     Indeed she did, and turned her massive bulk my direction. I stayed where I was, slowly losing altitude from my injured wing. The queen bore down on me, her mouth wide open. I flipped upside down and held my dive, waiting to get the perfect shot into her throat. My chance came moments later. I put all my energy into one last shot, straight into her mouth. The queen bellowed in surprise as the built up fuel inside of her ignited. I gritted my teeth and flipped up, trying to climb. But my injured wing seized up on me, burning in agony. I let out a helpless roar, frantically using my tail fins and one good wing to only glance off the side of the queen's massive, clublike tail. The blow knocked me senseless and sent me spinning, down into the raging inferno that was once the queen of the nest.

     I never even registered hitting the ground. I had no idea how long I had been out. But a small voice repeating my name slowly brought me back to an aching wing and ash filled air. I couldn't see more than a foot in front of me. The faint smell of burned dragon flesh hung in the air around me, thick enough to make my eyes water. I moaned in pain and tried to drag myself up, to no avail. My wing was useless. I rested for a bit longer and then morphed into my full human form. I shrieked in pain as my wing melded into my human form, and then passed out again.

         My next waking moments left me confused and dazed. I was staring up at a wooden roof, laying on a bed. Was I... In a house?? I sat up, wincing  in pain. I was in a house. I was in my house! A rustle to my right brought my attention to Astrid. She'd been sleeping in the corner, but now she was up and walking towards me. She punched me hard in the arm, a grin of relief on her face. "That's for scaring me." Then she leaned in and kissed my cheek. "That's for everything else." I gaped at her and rubbed my arm. "Wha- is it always gonna be like this?"  I whined. She tackled me with a hug and kissed me again, and I couldn't help but smile. "I could get used to it." I said.

     "Now let me see your wings," Astrid commanded. I slowly got out of bed and sat on the floor, then gathered some energy and turned full night fury. I roared in pain and flopped down, my left wing aching terribly. "Geez. Looks like you tore a few ligaments and tendons in there." She commented, running a hand down my left wing. I grumbled in agreement and waited as she finished her assessment. A familiar, warm feeling washed through my wing as Astrid worked her magic. She sat next to me after she was finished and rubbed her temples. "Ugh. That stupid venom the viggo guy made me take still hasn't worn off all the way," she grumbled. I hissed in alarm, the memory of Snotlout escaping with the villain returning to my mind. Where is Snotlout?!! I roared, dashing to the door. My dragon body knocked all sorts of things around, not used to being in a small space. Astrid jumped up in alarm and tried to calm me as I jumped about in a frenzy, forgetting how to open the door.

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