Chapter 31: Duel

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                            ..... Hiccup's POV......

      "Woah..." Pearl gasped, staring intently at Heather's creation. The morning had passed uneventfully, with a good breakfast and a long conversation with Pearl's adoptive family. I'd gotten some time to talk with Pearl alone, she told me she had kept our secret all the years we were apart. Before dropping her off here, I told her she had to keep her true identity hidden, she had to pretend to feel the way these people felt about dragons. She and to pretend she was fully human. We had then further explained to them why Pearl and I had been in so much trouble 6 years ago, leaving out the dragon part. We still weren't sure if we could trust them with that. It looked like this place still hated dragons, maybe even more than Berk had before I showed up. Astrid and Heather showed the family their abilities, after they promised to keep it within their family. Heather was currently making a flower grow from seed in the living room. It was a shade loving variety, set up with a pot and water catcher.

    Markus stared in wonder as the flower grew tiny green leaves and started forming buds. Ida looked almost scared, but she had been very grateful moments before when Astrid healed their sick son, who and been bedridden for nearly a week before we had showed up. I pulled Markus and Ida aside, asking them what their decision was. We needed to leave now- I was nervous about being caught here by accomplices of Viggo or Drago. After I explained why we needed to leave as soon as possible, the parents shared a look with each other. "I'm sure Fishlegs would be delighted to have more family close by. Markus... If Berk is really as safe as they say, I'd like to go. Dragon attacks are so scary. Especially with Ryder on the way... I don't want to risk another. If Berk can protect us, it will be worth it." Ida said.

      Just then, the front door burst open. Hogar raced in, excitement in his eyes. "The traders are here early! They have so many things!" He said, dragging his father towards the door. "They're earlier this year. Wait. Hogar, we need to talk. Pearl is in danger, we need to go to Berk." Markus said, pulling him away from the door. I quickly shut it and cleared my throat. "Hogar? Were the traders wearing red and black? Was one of them named Viggo?" I asked, fear evident in my voice. The last time a trader showed up early, things hadn't gone well. Hogar grew still and thought for a moment. "Some of them were... I didn't know their names though. The first boat has a bunch of flame flower. The trader said I could have it for free." Hogar said, pulling a small bag from his pocket. My eyes went wide and I locked eyes with Ida, watching me with concern. "That- that's highly poisonous to Pearl, Astrid, and Heather! It'll make them terribly sick!" I squeaked. "Hogar? Please bring that flower to the fireplace." Ida said calmly. Hogar frowned, opening the bag and walking slowly to his mother. "But it's so pretty." He whined. I gulped. The flower was indeed beautiful. It was a deep red with orange and yellow patterning. It looked exactly like a little flame. The scent immediately sent me into a fit of sneezing and feeling sick. Heather shook her head and walked away from Hogar, looking confused. I was doing all I could to hide my dragon identity till we left for Berk... If they realized it wasn't just the girls who got sick from it, they'd get suspicious. Then again, by the looks Markus was giving me, I realized they thought I was just as allergic to it. 

    I was most concerned about Astrid though, her face had gone white, she was shaking and holding her side. When Hogar saw our distress, he quickly tossed the flame flower into the fire and stared at us in shock. Pearl sneezed violently and shook her head. "Oh man. You weren't kidding about that stuff." She said. I sneezed again and then quickly checked on Astrid. She was looking a little better, now curled on her side with her eyes tightly closed. "Is it gone?" She asked. "Yeah it's burnt up. Are you gonna be ok?" I asked. "Yeah... Just need to rest. We need to get out of here. Especially if there's an entire ship of that stuff." Astrid said.

     Markus and Ida returned from the kitchen, with a sad looking Hogar. "It's ok buddy, you didn't know." I said quietly. "How soon can you guys be packed up?" I asked them. "Minutes. I'll take us through the forest. We can stay there until we have a boat secured," Ida said. "We've already got that covered, we just need to get into the forest." I said, quickly helping Astrid up and wrapping a blanket around her. "Ok then. Pearl, Hogar, pack a rucksack for a long journey. We need to leave now " Markus instructed. They hurried to their rooms and we soon were headed out the back door, carrying rusksacks and baskets of supplies. We were nearing the forest border when a shout turned our heads. It was Viggo himself, running towards us. "Everyone, follow Astrid! That's Viggo. We can't let him touch Pearl " I said. "Run!!" I yelled, as they stared at me in shock. Astrid grabbed Pearl and they ran for their lives. I shoved my load at Daggur and ran towards Viggo, grabbing a stick along the way. I blocked his way with a snarl and attacked with my stick.

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