Chapter 11: Happily Kidnapped

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                -----Astrids POV----

I sat on the ground to rest by the great hall with my axe. No way I was going home right now. My parents would kill me. My leg was aching a little from the day's exertion. But my ears were perked for the sounds of an angry berserker chief. The booby traps I set under the waters of the dock should have done them in- with any luck they would be stranded here and I'd have more time to work with this mess I had been handed. Just as I hoped, angry voices began sounding down in the middle of the village.

I laughed silently to see a wet, ragged group of Berserkers motioning to the water and yelling at Stoick. I went back to sharpening my axe blade. It was all for show... if my plan worked I wouldn't be killing any dragons. Just then a voice snapped me from my thoughts. "Looking fine as ever, Astrid. You know we will need nicknames for each other, since we are getting married. Hahahaha!!" I jumped to my feet and rammed my axe handle into Dagur's stomach.

      "Well if it isn't the deranged buffoon. I have the perfect nickname for you- dead meat in one hour." I hissed. " hah uh I was thinking more like honey or- oof!!" Dagur groaned as I cocked my axe and trapped his neck against the wall next to us. "Don't you say another word. I have a nickname for myself as well. But you don't get to know until we kill the night fury. I'm killing it by the way. And I'm deciding who I want to marry. You know I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'd rather marry snotlout than you if it became a matter of life and death." I hissed.

    "Whoah easy on the anger! Geez I thought I was the only one who could get this mad! Yeah I see it already. I'm gonna kill that night fury and we will get along great back on berserker island!" Dagur said. "I know your island is suffering.  They need help. I will promise you this. After I kill the night fury, I will help your island. But it'll be on my terms only." I replied, then released him from my axe and walked into the great hall. "Hey wait what who told you that! Our island is just fine." Dagur whined behind me.

      I ignored him and continued to find a seat in the great hall. Dagur proceeded to talk my ears off while Snotlout shot both of us death glares the entire feast. Then as the time came closer for the arena, Snotlout got up enough courage to join Dagur and I. "Oh if it isn't Snot hat. I hear you'll be trying to kill the night fury as well. Well you're gonna lose! Hahhahah!!" Dagur said. Snotlout growled and got up close to his face. "Watch your mouth numbskull. I'll be killing that beast!" I grabbed the two idiots by their necks and slammed their thick skulls together. "You two shut your faces. You're a disgrace to viking kind!" I snapped. They promptly fell dizzily to the ground and I quickly left, hoping to check on Toothless.

     The arena was already packed, talk of the epic fight and excitement to see the night fury floated around me. I took a seat near the bottom... and then got yanked out of it by my mother. "What do you think you're wearing!! Thus is no attire for a chief's betrothed!" My mother scolded. She dragged me behind her back home, insisting it would only take a moment to get me ready. "You had better get cleaned up and ready fast! Or you will be locked in your room until your wedding night!" My mother threatened. "No! Dad! A little  help?!" I yelled as she dragged me past him through the main room. "Yer mother's right. You need to be properly dressed- this is a very special occasion." He said as we passed. I sighed and resigned myself to my fate, wishing I could leave this place for good.

     As soon as I had cleaned up, 3 viking women were waiting for me. They forced me to sit while they did my hair and added a few other touches. Boreal and my mother came in just then, holding a gorgeous blue and white dress. I gasped at the beauty of it. Dresses were very rarely worn by any woman here- betrothal and weddings were the only way you'd ever catch anyone wearing them.

       After all dresses were impractical and couldn't stand up to the daily work we did as vikings. It was a shame I'd have to run away in that thing. "Dis is for you! Astrid... do you have to leave?! I don't want you to." Boreal said, wiping a stray tear. I shoved the woman pinning my arms to the side and wrapped my brother in a hug. "Don't worry buddy. I'd never leave of my own choice! I'll fight anyone that tries to take me away from here, " I promised him. He smiled up at me and sniffed. "Thats good! Cuz my surprise for your wedding isn't done yet," he said with a cheeky smile. I winked at him and he ran off giggling to work on his project.

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