Chapter 24: Trader Trouble

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------ Astrid's POV-----

I marched alongside a smug Snotlout, fuming. We soon reached Gothi's hut, where Heather was already asleep on one of the beds. Her purple face scales pulsed gently, and she looked quite peaceful. Gothi stomped toward the crowd accompanying me and shooed them away, beckoning only to me to follow her.

"I'm sure you'd like to hear my information on the sickness these girls are afflicted with," Viggo said smoothly. Gothi wacked him with her staff and motioned for him to sit on one of the stools in the corner. He glared at her and rubbed his head, sitting where she had commanded. Everyone else but Stoick and Gobber left, and then Gothi approached Viggo. Gobber began translating her scribbles, and Viggo began to answer.

"What yaks do you bring... Over?" Gobber translated, clearly confused. Gothi whacked him with her staff and he grumbled, " aye ye old bat! Your scribblin' ain't what it used to be!!" Gothi rolled her eyes and rescribbled. "Oh! What information do you have on the sickness?" Gobber correctly translated. Viggo began explaining and finished by handing Gothi the little bottle of supposed antidote.

Gothi snatched it from him and removed the cork, smelling and examining the liquid. She poured it out onto a few leaves on her medicine table, and then turned to Stoick, looking very angry. She picked up the vial and then smashed it on the ground.

I breathed a sigh of relief. The very sight and smell of the stuff turned my stomach. Heather stirred at the noise and sat up, looking at the scene in front of her with confusion. "What-who's that?!" She asked, alarmed. I went over to her side and explained the situation, finishing with Viggo's convincing the muttonheads of Berk that we had been controlled by Hiccup.

"That's ridiculous!! I am perfectly in control of my mind. He did no such thing. He did save Astrid's life though. After the last raid you guys had- Astrid managed to free herself from a dragon carrying her off and fell into the forest. Two other dragons found her and would have killed her if it weren't for Hiccup." She explained. "What madness is this! I am an experienced and honest trader. I've seen more than these two ever have. I explained clearly the intents of that beast and the changes in these girl's appearances! And now your old bat has destroyed the only antidote that could save them!" Viggo blustered, standing from his stool.

Gobber began translating as Gothi scribbled furiously again, this time causing Stoick's eyes to widen. "Poison?!" He bellowed. "You tried to give them poison!!" Viggo backed up, eyeing the door Stoick was now blocking. "It is , but in their case it will act as an antidote and free them from the beasts control!" He cried. "No. I don't have enough proof to endanger two people under my care," Stoick growled. "What you say may be true, but I need time to consider it. I shall investigate these claims myself, after you finish telling us what makes you think these two are being controlled. Viggo sighed and motioned to Heather.

"Besides the glowing scales on her face, you will find patterns of scales on her upper arms. That's the sure sign that she's been taken over. Same with the other girl." I groaned in annoyance and walked up to Gothi, then kneeled in front of her. "Look. I promise we're telling the truth. The patterns on our upper arms are there, but not because of some dragon controlling us. We... We both are part dragon. Like Hiccup. We didn't know until a few weeks ago... Hiccup had no idea he was part dragon, until his body changed on him. We aren't evil! We never asked to be this way! But this is what we are. Our differences let us communicate with dragons. We can help stop the raids for good, we can help protect Berk." I explained, then pulled up my sleeve to reveal curling, beautiful blue scales, so fine and small they could be mistaken for luminescent paint.

Gothi stared into my eyes and thought hard. Then she turned away from me and pulled gobber aside. I sat next to Heather and watched them converse, trying to ignore the stares of Viggo. He was clearly angry his plan had been foiled. "What was that stuff?" I finally asked him, a tone of anger in my voice. "Nothing you need to worry about. It would have helped." He said shortly. I stood and stalked over to him, staring him down. "You're not a real trader. You work with grim reapers. That stuff ... That looks like grim reaper venom. Who are you really? Why are you here? Are you trying to kidnap us?" I snarled, my fists bunched and ready to swing.

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