Chapter 19: Berserker Island

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------ Hiccup's POV-----

"Get up, monster." A voice growled at me. I stayed still, slumped and suffering in utter defeat. I was exhausted in every way... worried for Astrid. What would happen to her here? My secret was out... I couldn't help my friend now. A sharp kick in my side brought me back to the present. I moaned and struggled to my claws. Chains rattled as I was dragged from my cage and shoved along. I glimpsed Astrid ahead of me, being supported as she headed towards the Berserkers village. I knew she must be sick... she would never let Dagur help her if she had a choice.

I was shoved into another cage, this time much smaller. "Change freak! Or you're gonna be real smashed in there." One of my captors growled. I fought savagely against the chains. I recognized this island's smell now. Deathgrippers had been here in large numbers, the scent they had left told me they were coming back. I couldn't be trapped in a cage waiting to be killed. Astrid was in no position to defend herself. This place smelled of death... I was terrified.

After a few minutes the Bersrkers had enough of my fighting. I had taken a chance to change into my human form and wiggle out of my chains. I was nearly free and fighting to get out of the circle of berserkers around me. I dodged the first mace whistling toward my head, but then it was over with the next object thrown at me.

Sharp pain exploded at the back of my head, stars and blackness flashed in front of me and I dropped to the ground

......hours later......

I groaned and gingerly touched the back of my head. Slowly I adjusted to the gray scene around me. I was on the far end of the village, in a cage I easily could have escaped if I wasn't chained up. Through my cage bars, I spotted boats at the dock. Their flags and insignias were not familiar. As figures moved about unloading things, a few of them headed my direction.

I could smell deathgrippers now. They were here, on this island. Maybe in the boats? No... the smell would have been fainter if that was the case. The figures approaching me took shape as Oswald and two traders, dressed in black and red. I pretended to be asleep as the traders kicked at my cage and began to question Oswald. Soon other traders joined them, offering their entire ship loads of food and supplies for me.

After some yelling and arguing the deal was made, the traders left- except for the two in black and red. They stayed and started talking about taking me to their king... and interrogating me to find out what dragon I was with before being caught? The more they spoke, the more pieces I put together. I smelled death grippers because they must be death grippers! They were disguised in their human forms as traders! The more they talked the more concerned I became for Astrid.

Eventually the fake traders left and the day wore on. I nodded off again, then woke to black night around me. Little stars twinkled above me through my thick cage bars. I breathed deeply, watching the stars and trying to calm myself. Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to think of a way out of this impossible situation. The cage was to small for me to change. My head was harnessed in metal and my wrists and ankles were chained. There was no way to escape this. I would hurt myself to much if I tried. Rustling caught my ears and I turned to see what it was.

As my eyes picked out slight movement to my left, relief flooded through me. The slight glow of Astrid's face scales and her unique scent gave away her presence. "Astrid! Are you alright?" I whispered, reaching my hands out as far as the chains would allow. Her cold, shaking hands met mine. "I'm ok... just cold and scared," she whispered back. I held her hands and we sat together, whispering together what to do about our situation.

There was a terrible sickness here, horrible attacks, and no rhyme or reason to why it was happening. The deathgrippers that attacked didn't just go after prey. They went after the villagers. "Astrid... I have no idea what or who I am. Even if the legends are true... how do they help me know what to do? To vikings, I'm a monster. To other dragons I'm a freak and an outcast. My only true family could be captured by now... we never got to warn them." I said quietly, tears running down my face. I was exhausted, angry... but mostly scared, like Astrid. Mostly I was scared for Astrid and what might happen to her here.

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