Chapter 12: Dead Dragonets

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                                                                        .... Hiccups POV.....

I gazed back at Berk, thinking hard. I knew Astrid couldn't stay away for long. But I also knew she might be forced to marry someone she didn't want. That much had been clear back in the arena when I was watching her epically wreck Snotlout and Dagur. I'd dirtied the sheet and used it to disguise myself among the massive crowd of vikings while watching the fight, she was a warrior, through and through.

     I turned and began scratching in the dirt to her, let's wait until nightfall, i'll drop you off below the cliffs. I cant be seen anywhere near Berk. What are you gonna do about your boy problem? I asked her. She sighed and sat on the ground in front of me. "I have no idea. They're both insensitive and I would never trust them to be the father of any of my children. They have no respect for women or living things... not everything needs to die you know. I mean I get killing a dragon in self defense, but I've learned a lot about you guys since you saved me... dragons seem to have so many human emotions and understanding. That monstrous nightmare in the arena... I told her I would get her back to her family. She seemed to understand and worked with me after that. I hope they got out safe. We will know soon if they didnt." Astrid said.

     I grumbled in agreement and began scratching on the dirt. Dragons work in pods around here. That monstrous nightmares name is Hookfang. She is one of my podmates, and she has two small dragonets. I think we ought to check the sea stack my pod has been hiding at. We will fly high above the clouds to avoid any ships "good idea." Astrid replied, and hopped on my back.

       We rose into the sky and Astrid hugged my neck tightly, I tilted my head to catch a smile spreading across her face as the wind raced through her hair. Dragons were so lucky- they got to fly every day of their lives. I guided us using  echolocation and amazing hearing to locate the sea stack. As we got closer a chilling feeling swept over me. My echolocation picked up one moving life form... and two strangely still and dull feedbacks. Very soon I heard the distraught wailing of Windshear. We descended carefully on high alert.

----switch to Astrid's POV----

We landed and I jumped form toothless' back, eager to see the baby dragons, but a wail stopped me cold in my tracks. It was a dragon in pain. The hidden cave on the left side of the stack caught my attention- I rushed inside of it to see a sad scene. A beautiful silver dragon with green eyes was writhing weakly on one side of the cave. Her snout was tightly tied to a protruding rock next to her head. Two little purple and red lumps were motionless on the other side. The wounds on the wings and legs of the silver dragon were to severe to let it reach the purple things. I rushed over to see what they were... baby monstrous nightmares with their tiny necks skewed at an odd angle.

    I turned to toothless in horror, and saw him comforting the silver dragon. "Who did this?" I asked. Toothless moaned and scratched out an image of the berserker crest. "Oh I'm gonna kill him!" I hissed. I dropped to my knees and carefully stroked one of the dead babies. I promised Hookfang. And now her babies were dead. A strange feeling came over me, and my vision suddenly changed. I started and realized my hand was on the little dragons head... I must be seeing the little guys memory before he died.

     Pale yellow outlines of berserkers and dragons began moving around me. I watched in horror as the silver dragons outline now free of ropes and playing with the baby dragons' outlines suddenly stopped and whipped her head to the cave entrance. She raced outside and I heard muted sounds of dragon roar and Berserker yells.

       The dragon's outline was thrown back into the cave and a horde of vikings piled atop the poor animal, tying down its already bound mouth and hitting it  savagely with clubs and axes. A crushing blow landed on the dragons head and knocked her out. The two baby's outlines huddled In the corner frantically screaming for help. Intense fear raced through me as a berserker outline lunged at the babies and seized their necks. I felt a horrible snapping pain and everything went numb and dark. I hadn't realized my shriek of terror brought Toothless racing over to nudge me. I gasped and shuddered as my eyes opened I rubbed my still throbbing neck and turned to see Toothless' eyes widened in concern. "I saw their last moments," I whispered.

    Toothless made a low wail and sniffed the dead babies. I placed my hands on their tiny necks and tried to see their last moments again, hoping by some miracle these babies would be alive when their mother returned. This time the pain on my neck came back with a vengeance. I gasped and closed my eyes, but instead if darkness I saw two glowing blue diagrams... of the dead baby dragons. I saw their entire make up, from the bones to the nerves and every other layer. I felt a deep crackling of energy with in me and let it loose into the dragon baby's glowing diagrams. The darker blue of their body's infused with a bright blue that started from their snouts and worked down to their necks. When it reached the broken portion, I felt myself shaking and dripping with sweat. My stomach began to churn and I grew colder and colder. Numbness began to take over as I watched my light pour into the baby's. With a sudden jolt of tearing pain, I saw their tiny necks realign and their tiny hearts sucked in most of the remaining light and... began to beat! Joy filled me as I realized what had just happened- then with a snap of pain a horrible empty and numb feeling filled me. It seemed to crush every fiber of me and I began wishing I could die.

     I heard muffled shrieks and moans of pain, then... nothing.

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