Chapter 38: Reckoning

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          Windshear growled in anger. Once again she was flying at top speed to save lives. Only this time it was her rider. Her rider betrayed by family. The rescue mission was going badly so far. The humans were whining about the cold and wind, yeah her wings were freezing off, but she wasn't about to say a word about it. Hookfang. Why on earth did that headstrong dragon listen to the traitor! Yet after defeating the last tyrant she would be confident. But Toothless wouldn't be so worried about this if the dangers equaled their last fight with the red death.

    She snarled and pushed ahead, her talons losing feeling. The group finally emerged into slightly better weather, and fishlegs gave an excited shout. "Everyone look for two light furies! Heather tells me that's form they will be flying in!" Dragons perked up a little and pushed harder. The sooner they could get to her rider, the better.

     Her wings were aching, my eyes drooped. They had been flying all day, it was growing dark now. At least they could spot two white dragons in the dark, whenever they showed up. The rescue group eventually had to take a rest on a small island, most of them went straight to sleep. Windshear paces irratibly. She needed sleep. But she needed her rider. What if they'd already been caught? Windshear. You need sleep. You can't rescue Heather without your strength. Stormfly rumbled at her. She sighed and then joined the pod, quickly falling asleep.

    The next morning dawned cold and clear. Windshear sighed in relief and stretched her sore body. She joined the pod in catching fish for themselves and the others, then it was time to leave. They flew fast, pushing on in the still winter air. Luckily a warm draft was blowing higher up, so everyone switched into it and glided on the draft for half the day. The sun was beginning to set as the weather grew worse. Snow and wind began howling, nearly hiding the dragons she flew in tight formation with. "Boyo we need to land! This storm is to strong!" Spitelout yelled up ahead. His Nadder sqwaked in agreement. Windshear growled and shook her iced wings. They couldn't stop! Heather was counting on them!

     Fishlegs yelled for everyone to grab hold of a rope being passed around. Since no one could see a thing, it was meant to help everyone stay together. Windshear felt her fire cooling in the intense cold. She didn't want to stop... but they needed to. A sharp jerk on her rope told her a dragon had started losing altitude. She yanked the rope up and the whole team began descending slowly. They touched down on snowy peaks, then huddled together in the nasty storm to keep each other and their humans warm. They'd holed themselves into the side of the mountain, out of the wind. Within minutes, everything was pleasantly warm from the dragon's body heat. The rescuers shared their leftover food and then took a nap to pass the storm.

    The next morning was still storming lightly, enough to make flight miserable, but still possible. The tired group I pushed on, sniffing for Heather. The journey was nearing a full 3 days when Stormfly rawked in excitement. She smelled Heather! Windshear roared her rider's name and launched herself forward. Through the clouds came a white light fury, thin and exhausted. On her back was Heather, her green eyes wide in fear. "Windshear! We have to get out of here!" She screamed. Stoick and Skull Crusher dove to catch Heather's light fury friend as she wobbled and then stopped flapping all together. Heather jumped and landed on windshear, hugging her tightly.

    The rescuers turned around and flew like mad for home. "Heather! Can you do anything for her?" Stoick asked. The light fury was still, breathing shallow in his arms. "I'll try again. She got stung, she's been flying an entire day with that posing in her!" Heather said, tears racing down her face. "I'm sorry we didn't bring Astrid... oh we never should have left her." She placed a hand on the white light fury and tried to heal her. The dragon seemed to slip into a more peaceful sleep, but nothing else seemed to change. "Heather!" Fishlegs squealed wrapping her in a hug when she hopped onto Meatlug with him. "Oh gods I'm glad you two left when you did! At least they didn't break our bond... Hiccup... he's in bad shape. They figured out how to break his bond somehow... he's been mad with grief." He said, wiping a tear away. "Oh no no no!" Heather cried, tugging at her black braid. "I hope Valka can help... my friend over there that Stoick caught. If there's anything she can do... we can't lose Hiccup. We need him. We have to get Astrid out... she may not remember anything if we can't get to her soon... maybe it's already to late." She said.

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