Chapter 39: Princess

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----- Astrid's POV------

"Ugh!! leave me alone!" I yelled, quickening my pace. I had been enjoying combat practice before Snotlout showed up. He was asking me to meet him outside the walls again. I turned and socked him in the mouth before he could say one more word in his whiny voice. I was not in the mood for this. At first he seemed like a decent guy- a human guard in the palace. Apparently by some great act of bravery he became captain of one of the platoons in the castle... he reminded me every single day that I had been rescued by him and Dagur from the demon that tried kidnapping me. Speaking of Dagur, I wanted to meet with him and the others to go over the attack on Berk. Of course mother and father refused to let me go... I had to stay here and defend the palace. They insisted I was far to important to risk myself in battle on foreign land. My part in the planning would be coordinating healing preparation and palace defense.

I smoothed out my scales into a regal dress with blue highlighting and made my way to the palace. "Princess. Looking lovely as always," Ember said. I nodded curtly. Apparently he was my boyfriend. A noble familie's son. We had built our relationship from the ground up... but I was so frustrated. I didn't understand why I would have dated him before my memory loss. He wasn't my type... he was comandeering and cruel to the servants. Not to mention I honestly wasn't attracted to him. I just didn't feel right around him. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "They won't let me join the battle." I said. "You know why. Berk... is where the demon came from. What if one of them catches you again... what if they take your memory again?! Oh if only you knew. Sasha. We were about to get married when those monsters took you." Ember said. "Ugh don't remind me!" I snapped, and ran ahead. They all treated me like I couldn't handle myself. I had impressive battle skills... honed by my former self before my memory loss.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" He yelled behind me. I ignored him and joined the table of military leaders. Daggur the deranged was in charge of the Berserker liberation. I'd never seen it with my own eyes, but I was told that Berk was holding the Berserker tribe hostage, forcing them to be their slaves. I wanted to see the accusations for myself... I didn't know how much talk I believed without the proof. "So we hold back the 2nd group until your signal?" My father asked. He was tall, with dark red hair and pale brown eyes in human form. Daggur nodded and kept explaining, I twirled my hair and watched, bored. There were several points I would have brought up at the council, but my father disapproved of me ever being at these things, and Daggur always shot down my ideas and the other leaders who thought we should pursue them.

"Young lady! You aren't supposed to be here." Snapped my mother. She grabbed my arm and dragged me away, muttering about my stubbornness. "What's the big deal!! You said you wanted to help me deal with my memory loss. Can't you let me see for myself? I've told you a million times- I'll only survery-" She cut me off and shoved me into my room, shutting the door behind her. "A princess does not run her mouth or question her queen! We've told you what you need to know. I will not lose you again. I don't care what must be done to keep you safe." She snarled. I took a shuddering breath and stepped back. "I don't want to be safe. I want to live! I want a life outside these walls! I want to fill the hole inside me!" I yelled. "That won't happen until you decide to marry dear. We've talked about this!" Mother said. "No. No. I won't marry him. I don't love him. He won't heal my heart! Something's wrong with it! He won't fix it!" I shouted.

My mother sighed and rubbed her forhead. Her fingers were tipped balck. Little lines raced up her arms. That was something I had never been able to heal. My own fingers carried a barely noticeable gray to the tips. Mother said it was something the monsters forced me to do when they caught me. She would never tell me where her own blackened fingers came from. Just that it was the reason she and Father were so protective of me.

"Very well dear. I won't force you to marry someone you don't love. But I told you once and I'll say it again. You won't be healed until you actually marry the boy. Mother knows best." She said quietly, and left the room. I went to the balcony and collapsed on the soft grass, sobbing. She didn't understand. I'd told her it didn't feel right. But she wouldn't listen. No one would listen... except Fern Claw. My pretty nadder friend friend nuzzled my cheek and rawked in concern. "I'm OK girl. Mom just won't listen. I'm afraid they'll force me to marry that fool. If I have to... I'll say I do... NOT!! At the vow ceremony. Then I'll slap that pig headed face of his." Fern Claw chortled and cawed in excitement. She didn't like that guy at all, and that was enough for me.

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