Chapter 32: Triple Strike and The Dragon's Edge

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-----Hiccup's POV------

I yawned and dragged myself out the front door. The late morning sun was slowly clouding over, bringing the possibility of snow or rain. We were heading into the winter, ideal for a season of resting and recuperating. Few dragons or people were crazy enough to travel to far during these months, thanks to the unpredictable, severe storms that happened during these months. Stoick told me it would likely start early this year. So that meant we would have longer to train and come up with a plan before Grim reapers tried to attack again. I waved to a pack of dragons that greeted me on my left, happily munching at a pile of fish. As I reached Astrid's house, Boreal ran out the door, chased by a pack of terrible terrors. "Whoa! Where are you running?" I asked, stumbling as he slammed into me. "We're playing hide and seek! You're it!" He squealed. I laughed and turned to my dragon form. We bounced around tagging squeaking terrible terrors for a moment, then I left Boreal to his game and poked my head inside the Hofferson's front door.

"Toothless!" Pearl yelled, dropping her potatoes and running to give me a hug. I licked her hand and bounced around her in excitement. so glad you made it here safe! I roared. Pearl giggled and ducked under my wing. "I'll get Astrid," she said, running up the stairs. A tired, beautiful Astrid soon came down the stairs. She yawned and ran a hand through disheveled, light blonde hair. "Morning. Could you give me a ride to the great hall? I have to check on some dragons... Shattermaster specifically." She mumbled. Just then the front door banged open. "Astrid! Come quick!" Heather yelled, looking exhausted and panicked. I flew Astrid and Heather to the great hall, morphing to human form as they jumped off.

Dagur sat next to the great hall fireplace, looking distraught. I put a hand on my friend's shoulder and asked him what happened to Shattermaster. "He got stabbed by those wretched beasts. Heather healed what she could... We thought he would make it, but he hasn't woken up this morning and Heather said he's dying!" Daggur cried, ending in sobs. "Oh no... I'm so sorry. Astrid will do everything she can." I said quietly, watching the girls work. The familiar glow of Astrid's healing powers wafted around Shattermaster as he took a last shuddering breath. Her eyes opened, now a pale glowing blue. She screamed and then dropped to her side. I quickly raced over and turned to dragon form, sending gentle shocks of electricity into her hands, trying to wake her up.

"No... No! He needs..." She mumbled, restless and hot to the touch. I growled in fear and looked at Heather questioningly. "I'm sorry! I don't know what's happening to her! I can't heal like Astrid can," she whimpered, crying. Just then, she went limp. The magic around Shattermaster left him and entered back into Astrid, sealing itself inside her. The blue glow stopped radiating from her. Astrid!! I roared frantically, trying to wake her up. "It's ok- she's just sleeping. She drained from trying to fix the damage done to Shattermaster." Heather said quietly. I shared a sad look with Daggur as he looked up from holding Shattermaster. "He's gone hiccup. We couldn't save him." Daggur said quietly, sorrow in his voice. I turned to footsteps behind us, the entire gang was here, staring at Shattermaster. I changed back to human form and propped Astrid up against the wall. "Dagur... Do you want us to stay with you?" I asked. "I need some time to think. Alone." Dagur said quietly. Heather and I gave the crying Berserker a hug and then we left the great hall, carrying Astrid with us.

"So... Eret wants to talk to you. Also the tribe is holding a war council tonight. They want us all there." Fishlegs said, twiddling his thumbs nervously. I sighed. "Right. I was meaning to talk with you all about that. I have a plan," I replied. "Ooo! Does it involve destruction? Lots of explosions? How about catapults?!" Tuff nut asked, a mischievious gleam in his eye. "Uh no-" I started, only to be cut off by Snotlout boasting about his ability to blow up more things than the twins. "Oh for the love of- whatever. Look we'll talk about it after Astrid gets taken care of." I finally snapped, watching Astrid's pale face. "Guys. Let's talk in the great hall, hiccup will join us later." Heather said, giving meaningful looks to the others. I shot her a grateful look and split off to Astrid's home.

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