Chapter 17: Chained

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                   ....Hiccup's POV....

        I kept my head low, trying to ignore the taunting berserkers. I'd heard them speak of wanting to return to their island. Apparently there boats had all been sunk in harbor, so they were waiting on Berk to finish their make shift ones. "Hey freak! How about smoked eel!" They jeered, slapping at me with one through the bars. I cringed and tried to keep myself from hissing. I hated those things. They smelled horribly and set me in panic mode. I couldn't handle it any longer.

       My reflexes kicked in and I snarled, jumping back as far as my chains would allow me. The berserkers stumbled back, then started laughing wickedly. "The beast awakes! Let's see how mad you can get. Come on! Breathe fire!" They taunted. I realized my wings and claws had sprung out in defense. This was my in between form. My scales were far more prominent. Massive wings attatched to my back, and my hands transformed into sharp, black claws at the knuckles, with my fingers still normal underneath. I felt smoke curling around my nose as my anger boiled. My larger and sharper teeth made a very slight appearance. This had been going on all morning. I had enough of it.

       I felt my chest crackling with built up electricity. "Leave me alone losers." I growled. Just then they both landed hard on their rears from a well placed kick and axe throw. Astrid now stood in their place. "He's part viking to fools. Stop treating him like he's not!" Astrid snarled. They stood and stared at her, stumbling back as she advanced. "Didn't mean nothin' by it! He's part dragon! That's makes him bad!" They whined. "No it doesn't. He saved my life, He's here offering to help the dragon attacks stop, and this is how you treat him!" Astrid snapped, catching one of them against the far wall with her axe blade.

         The other vikings fled. His companion gulped and pleaded with Astrid to let him go. "Of course. And if I end up being chieftess over you miserable lot ill be sure to punish you both thoroughly." She said coldly. He whimpered and ran, stumbling from her. Then she turned around and I realized what my tormentors had been staring at. She had makeup on? No wait. Those were scales. Her face had a delicate design of them! Her hair had turned far lighter and added a blue streak. I hadn't realized I was gapping until she poked her axe through the bars and gently closed it with her axe blade tip. I covered my mouth quickly, worried that she would shriek at seeing my fangs.

       " I don't mind." She said. "We have a lot to talk about... I have to leave. I can't stay longer. I think im gonna turn into a dragon. And then they'll throw us both in a cage. We have to leave soon and take down the queen ourselves." I moved towards her, back to the little sunlight my tormentors had driven me from. "Ok... that seems to be the only option. Everyone thinks I'm a devil, impersonating the chief's dead son. But you may not turn into a light fury for a long time. It might never happen. It seems to be a gift like healing or manipulating nature. Rarely a light fury can have multiple gifts, being able to take on dragon form is one of them." I said with a heavy sigh. Astrid reached through the cage bars and took one of my clawed hands.

         "You're the furthest thing from a devil. And you're definitely the real Hiccup. Don't let them tell you otherwise. Stoick will come around, even if it takes him years. I'm gonna steal some keys and bust you out tonight." She said. I lifted my head and smiled at her, still stunned by her beauty. "OK. Hey. Thank you for sticking with me. It means more than you know," I said quietly. She smiled and squeezed my hand before leaving the arena. I watched her go and thought deeply about the upcoming battle.

         What could one little night fury do against a massive titan? No way I was bringing Astrid up with me to fight that beast. I'd ask her to get the dragons off the island. If my suspicions were correct, she should now be fully fluent in dragon. She could lead them to a different island, then come back to see if I'd gotten killed by the queen yet. Is it true? I heard stories. Are you truly a half breed? Do you eat other dragons? A voice rasped behind me. I jumped and peered into the darkness, suddenly seeing a thin monstrous night mare. I don't eat dragons. I seek to help dragons and humans exist together peacefully I replied.

"I Do.... NOT!!"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ